In this final installment of "Reapers, Inc.", demons roam the mortal plane wreaking havoc wherever they can. When Magroth, a particularly devious demon, finds a pawn in a lonely, outcast boy, he sets the stage for his favorite game: Chaos. Convincing his new puppet he has the power of magic, the boy calls up the Grim Reaper with the intent to make it carry out his vindictive wishes.
John Blackwick is still on holiday leaving Brigit Malone to continue filling in as the temporary Grim Reaper. When Brigit is caught up in a spell cast by the demon's pawn, she is involuntarily entered into the game that could have dire consequences for mortals and spirits alike. Will she be able to help keep the balance between light and dark, angels and demons? Or will someone lose their existence all together?
In this final installment of "Reapers, Inc.", demons roam the mortal plane wreaking havoc wherever they can. When Magroth, a particularly devious demon, finds a pawn in a lonely, outcast boy, he sets the stage for his favorite game: Chaos. Convincing his new puppet he has the power of magic, the boy calls up the Grim Reaper with the intent to make it carry out his vindictive wishes.
John Blackwick is still on holiday leaving Brigit Malone to continue filling in as the temporary Grim Reaper. When Brigit is caught up in a spell cast by the demon's pawn, she is involuntarily entered into the game that could have dire consequences for mortals and spirits alike. Will she be able to help keep the balance between light and dark, angels and demons? Or will someone lose their existence all together?
Reapers, Inc.: Demon's Game
Reapers, Inc.: Demon's Game
Product Details
BN ID: | 2940046382310 |
Publisher: | B.L. Newport |
Publication date: | 10/28/2014 |
Series: | Reapers, Inc. |
Sold by: | Smashwords |
Format: | eBook |
File size: | 219 KB |
Age Range: | 18 Years |