Satori (nombre), del japonés: instante de conciencia súbita o de iluminación individual; el primer paso hacia el nirvana. Transcurre el otoño de 1951 y la guerra de Corea está en pleno apogeo. Nicholai Hel, de veintiséis años, ha pasado los tres últimos en prisión incomunicada, a manos de los americanos. Hel es maestro de la hoda korosu o "matanza sin armas", habla fluidamente varios idiomas y ha afinado su extraordinaria "sensación de proximidad", conciencia adicional ante una presencia peligrosa. Posee las aptitudes para convertirse en el asesino más temible del mundo y en este preciso momento la CIA lo necesita. Los americanos le ofrecen la libertad a cambio de un modesto servicio: trasladarse a Pekín y asesinar al delegado de la Unión Soviética en China. Evidentemente, se trata de una misión suicida, pero Hel acepta, por lo que tendrá que sobrevivir al caos, la violencia, las sospechas y las traiciones mientras se esfuerza por alcanzar el objetivo final del satori: la posibilidad de la comprensión verdadera y la armonía con el Universo. El éxito de ventas que fue el origen de todo: SHIBUMI Nicholai Hel es el hombre más buscado del mundo. Nacido en Shanghai tras el caos de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Hel es hijo de una aristócrata rusa y de un misterioso alemán, así como protegido de un maestro de go japonés. Sobrevivió a la catástrofe de Hiroshima y se convirtió en el amante más refinado y en el asesino más consumado y mejor pagado del mundo. Hel es un genio, un místico y un maestro de las lenguas y la cultura. Su secreto radica en su empeño por alcanzar una peculiar excelencia personal, un estado de perfección sin esfuerzo, conocido simplemente como shibumi.
Satori (nombre), del japonés: instante de conciencia súbita o de iluminación individual; el primer paso hacia el nirvana. Transcurre el otoño de 1951 y la guerra de Corea está en pleno apogeo. Nicholai Hel, de veintiséis años, ha pasado los tres últimos en prisión incomunicada, a manos de los americanos. Hel es maestro de la hoda korosu o "matanza sin armas", habla fluidamente varios idiomas y ha afinado su extraordinaria "sensación de proximidad", conciencia adicional ante una presencia peligrosa. Posee las aptitudes para convertirse en el asesino más temible del mundo y en este preciso momento la CIA lo necesita. Los americanos le ofrecen la libertad a cambio de un modesto servicio: trasladarse a Pekín y asesinar al delegado de la Unión Soviética en China. Evidentemente, se trata de una misión suicida, pero Hel acepta, por lo que tendrá que sobrevivir al caos, la violencia, las sospechas y las traiciones mientras se esfuerza por alcanzar el objetivo final del satori: la posibilidad de la comprensión verdadera y la armonía con el Universo. El éxito de ventas que fue el origen de todo: SHIBUMI Nicholai Hel es el hombre más buscado del mundo. Nacido en Shanghai tras el caos de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Hel es hijo de una aristócrata rusa y de un misterioso alemán, así como protegido de un maestro de go japonés. Sobrevivió a la catástrofe de Hiroshima y se convirtió en el amante más refinado y en el asesino más consumado y mejor pagado del mundo. Hel es un genio, un místico y un maestro de las lenguas y la cultura. Su secreto radica en su empeño por alcanzar una peculiar excelencia personal, un estado de perfección sin esfuerzo, conocido simplemente como shibumi.
Satori (nombre), del japonés: instante de conciencia súbita o de iluminación individual; el primer paso hacia el nirvana. Transcurre el otoño de 1951 y la guerra de Corea está en pleno apogeo. Nicholai Hel, de veintiséis años, ha pasado los tres últimos en prisión incomunicada, a manos de los americanos. Hel es maestro de la hoda korosu o "matanza sin armas", habla fluidamente varios idiomas y ha afinado su extraordinaria "sensación de proximidad", conciencia adicional ante una presencia peligrosa. Posee las aptitudes para convertirse en el asesino más temible del mundo y en este preciso momento la CIA lo necesita. Los americanos le ofrecen la libertad a cambio de un modesto servicio: trasladarse a Pekín y asesinar al delegado de la Unión Soviética en China. Evidentemente, se trata de una misión suicida, pero Hel acepta, por lo que tendrá que sobrevivir al caos, la violencia, las sospechas y las traiciones mientras se esfuerza por alcanzar el objetivo final del satori: la posibilidad de la comprensión verdadera y la armonía con el Universo. El éxito de ventas que fue el origen de todo: SHIBUMI Nicholai Hel es el hombre más buscado del mundo. Nacido en Shanghai tras el caos de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Hel es hijo de una aristócrata rusa y de un misterioso alemán, así como protegido de un maestro de go japonés. Sobrevivió a la catástrofe de Hiroshima y se convirtió en el amante más refinado y en el asesino más consumado y mejor pagado del mundo. Hel es un genio, un místico y un maestro de las lenguas y la cultura. Su secreto radica en su empeño por alcanzar una peculiar excelencia personal, un estado de perfección sin esfuerzo, conocido simplemente como shibumi.
DON WINSLOW was born in New York City but raised in South Kingstown, Rhode Island. His books include The Power of the Dog and The Life and Death of Bobby Z. In addition to his writing, Don has been an actor, director, movie theater manager, safari guide and private investigator. Don lives in the San Diego area with his wife, Jean, and son, Thomas. He invites you to visit him at his website
TREVANIAN's books have been translated into more than fourteen languages and have sold million of copies worldwide. In addition to Shibumi, Trevanian is the author of seven novels including The Eiger Sanction and The Loo Sanction.
Read an Excerpt
Nicholai Hel watched the maple leaf drop from the branch, flutter in the slight breeze, then fall gently to the ground.
It was beautiful.
Savoring the first glimpse of nature that he’d had after three years of solitary confinement in an American prison cell, he breathed in the crisp autumn air, let it fill his lungs, and held it for a few moments before he exhaled.
Haverford mistook it for a sigh.
“Glad to be out?” the agent asked.
Nicholai didn’t respond. The American was as nothing to him, a mere merchant like the rest of his compatriots, peddling espionage instead of automobiles, shaving cream, or Coca-Cola. Nicholai had no intention of engaging in meaningless conversation, never mind allowing this functionary access to his personal thoughts.
Of course he was glad to be out, he thought as he looked back at the bleak gray walls of Sugamo Prison, but why did Westerners feel a need to voice the obvious, or attempt to give expression to the ineffable? It was the nature of a maple leaf to drop in the autumn. I killed General Kishikawa, as close to a father as I ever had, because it was my filial nature — and duty — to do so. The Americans imprisoned me for it because they could do nothing else, given their nature.
And now they offer me my “freedom” because they need me.
Nicholai resumed his walk along the pebbled path flanked by the maple trees. A bit surprised that he felt a twinge of anxiety at being outside the closed, small space of his cell, he fought off the wave of dizziness brought on by the open sky. This world was large and empty; he had no one left in it except himself. His own adequate company for three years, he was reentering a world that he no longer knew at the age of twenty-six.
Haverford had anticipated this, having consulted a psychologist on the issues that face prisoners going back into society. The classic Freudian, replete with the stereotypical Viennese accent, had advised Haverford that “the subject” would have become used to the limitations of his confinement and feel overwhelmed at first by the sheer space suddenly confronting him in the outside world. It would be prudent, the doctor warned, to transfer the man to a small, windowless room with voluntary access to a yard or garden so that he could gradually acclimate himself. Open spaces, or a crowded city with its bustling population and incessant noise, would be likely to upset the subject.
So Haverford had arranged for a small room in a quiet safe house in the Tokyo suburbs. But from what he could learn from what there was to be learned of Nicholai Hel, he couldn’t imagine the man being easily overwhelmed or upset. Hel displayed preternatural self-possession, a calm that was almost condescending, confidence that often crossed the line into arrogance. On the surface, Hel appeared to be a perfect blend of his aristocratic Russian mother and his samurai surrogate father, the war criminal Kishikawa, whom he had saved from the shame of a hangman’s noose with a single finger-thrust to the trachea.
Despite his blond hair and vibrant green eyes, Haverford thought, Hel is more Asian than Western. He even walks like an Asian — his arms crossed behind his back so as to take up as little space as possible and not cause inconvenience to anyone coming from the other direction, his tall, thin frame slightly stooped in modesty. European in appearance, Haverford decided, Asian in substance. Well, it made sense — he was raised by his émigré mother in Shanghai, and then mentored by Kishikawa when the Japs took the city. After the mother died, Kishikawa moved the boy to Japan to live with and study under a master of the impossibly complicated and nuanced board game Go, a sort of Jap chess, albeit a hundredfold more difficult.
Hel became a master in his own right.
So is it any wonder that Hel thinks like an Asian?
Nicholai sensed the man’s thoughts on him. The Americans are incredibly transparent, their thoughts as obvious as stones at the bottom of a clear, still pool. He didn’t care what Haverford thought of him — one doesn’t solicit the opinions of a grocery clerk — but it did annoy him. Shifting his attention to the sun on his face, he felt it warm his skin.
“What would you like?” Haverford asked.
“In the sense of what?”
Haverford chuckled. Most men emerging from long confinement wanted three things — a drink, a meal, and a woman, not necessarily in that order. But he was not going to indulge Hel’s arrogance, so he answered, in Japanese, “In the sense of what would you like?”
Mildly impressed that Haverford spoke Japanese, and interested that he refused to surrender such a small stone on the board, Nicholai responded, “I don’t suppose that you could organize an acceptable cup of tea.”
“In fact,” Haverford said, “I’ve arranged a modest cha-kai. I hope you find it acceptable.”
An intricately plotted, fast-paced thrill ride. Carrying on the legacy of Trevanian's SHIBUMI, Don Winslow skillfully brings the character of master assassin Nicholai Hel to life, creating a story so engrossing you won't be able to put it down. Winslow has truly done the Trevanian legacy proud.
David Baldacci
A home run . . . carefully choreographed, bare-knuckled action . . . elegant writing, a mature, confident narrative and characters so real you can almost touch them on the page . . . Winslow has done the creator of Shibumi and the Nicholai Hel character proud.
Barry Eisler
Satori is first-rate spy fiction, full of explosive action, exotic locales, and surprising romance, and Nicholai Hel is an assassin you'll cheer for: intent on vengeance for a terrible injustice, as comfortable with philosophy as he is familiar with the mechanics of stopping a man's heart, beset by enemies in a game whose true nature he can only divine by playing through to the end.
Christopher Reich
A grand, sprawling, magnificent entertainment. Trevanian, in the skilled hands of Don Winslow, is alive and well, and dare I say, better than ever! For those of us who look back on Shibumi as a highlight of their reading lives, Satori does not for a moment disappoint. Those who have not read Shibumi are in for a treat. My immediate question upon turning the last page was "when is the next one coming out?" I cannot wait!
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