| Acknowledgments | 9 |
1 | Introduction to the Questions and Survey of the Book | 11 |
Section I | Philosophical Issues | |
2 | Science, Faith, and Rationality: A Short Course in Good Thinking | 19 |
| The Importance of Philosophy | |
| Principles of Sound Thinking | |
| Testing a Truth Claim | |
| A Word About Rational Christian Faith | |
3 | Must Science and Faith Be At Odds? | 29 |
| Defining "Science" | |
| Defining "Faith" | |
| Premises of the Methods of Science | |
| Science and Knowledge | |
| Operating Relationships of Science and Faith | |
| Conclusion | |
Section II | Theological Issues | |
4 | This Is My Father's World: The Biblical Doctrine of Creation | 59 |
| How Many Creation Accounts Does One Religion Need? Literary Relationships of Genesis 1 and 2 | |
| Outline of Genesis 1:1-2:3 | |
| What Is Genesis 1:1-2:3 About? | |
| Is Genesis 1:1-2:3 Supposed to Be a Historical Record? | |
| Does Genesis 1:1 Teach "Creation from Nothing"? | |
| Does Genesis 1:1-2:3 Give Us a Chronology? | |
| Is Genesis 1:1-2:3 a "Scientific" Account of Creation? | |
| What Does It Mean That Creation Was "Good"? | |
| How Did God Make the World? | |
| Summary of the Doctrine of Creation in Genesis 1:1-2:3 | |
| What Does This Mean for Us? | |
5 | What Kind of Days Were Those, Anyhow? | 77 |
| Preliminaries: The Key Issues At Stake | |
| Features of Genesis 1-2 That We Must Account For | |
| An Interpretation That Accounts for All of These Features | |
| What About the Fourth Day? | |
| Other Possible Interpretations of the Days | |
| Comparing the Different Views | |
| Conclusions | |
6 | Other Biblical Passages About Creation | 97 |
| Old Testament | |
| New Testament | |
7 | Is the Earth Young or Old? Biblical Arguments | 105 |
| Did Jesus Think the Creation Period Was Short? | |
| The Genealogies in Genesis | |
| Conclusion: Does the Bible Have a Position on the Age of the Earth? | |
8 | What a Piece of Work Is Man! Human Nature as It Was Created | 111 |
| You Are a Human Animal | |
| Body and Soul | |
| The Image of God | |
| Are Adam and Eve Our Ancestors? | |
| The Possibility of Science | |
9 | The Glorious Ruin: Human Nature After the Fall | 135 |
| God's Arrangement with Adam and Eve | |
| The First Sin | |
| Human Nature After Genesis 3 | |
| Is Science Possible for Fallen Man? | |
10 | How "Fallen" Is Nature? | 147 |
| The "Curses" in Genesis 3 | |
| What Did Lions Eat Before Man's Fall? | |
| Why Does the Creation Groan? | |
| Some Conclusions for Science in a World of Fallen Mankind | |
11 | How Does God Rule the World? The Biblical Doctrine of Providence | 161 |
| The Traditional Christian Picture of God's Providence | |
| The Biblical Evidence | |
| Definitions That Restate the Biblical View of Providence | |
| Other Views: Are They Truer to the Bible? | |
| Providence and Science | |
12 | God Reveals Himself in His World: Science, Faith, and Apologetics | 181 |
| Defining Terms | |
| Natural Revelation in the Old Testament | |
| Natural Revelation in the New Testament | |
| Faith and Reasons | |
| Science, Natural Revelation, and Apologetics | |
13 | Caring for God's World: The Biblical View of the Environment | 203 |
| The Original Plan | |
| The Modified Plan | |
| The World Still Serves Man | |
| Ethical Considerations for the Environment | |
Section III | Science and Faith Interact | |
14 | Science, Providence, and Miracle | 215 |
| Modern Science and the Supernatural | |
| Science and Reliable Natural Properties | |
| Chaos Theory | |
| Uncertainty, Miracles, and Human Freedom | |
| Providence and the Problem of Evil | |
15 | How Old Is the Earth? Cosmology and Geology | 229 |
| Cosmology and the Big Bang | |
| Geology and the History of the Earth | |
| Realism, Anti-Realism, and Appearance of Age | |
| Is the Big Bang the Same as the Absolute Beginning? | |
| Are the Geologists Wrong? | |
| The Anthropic Principle | |
16 | Where Do Animals Come From? Biological Evolution and Darwinism | 255 |
| What Does Darwinism Claim? | |
| How Did Darwinism Develop? | |
| How Does Neo-Darwinism Impact Christian Faith? | |
| Is Neo-Darwinism Credible? | |
| Evolution and "Progress" | |
| Summary | |
17 | Is Intelligent Design a Dumb Idea? Answers to Objections | 285 |
| What Is "Intelligent Design"? | |
| What Would Make Intelligent Design a "Dumb Idea"? | |
| Are These Objections Valid? | |
| Conclusion: Is Prohibiting Intelligent Design a Dumb Idea? | |
18 | Science and the Argument from Design | 301 |
| What Is the Argument from Design? | |
| What Is the History of This Kind of Argument? | |
| Is the Argument Any Good? | |
| What Place Should Science Play in the Argument Today? | |
19 | The Human and Social Sciences | 317 |
| Maintaining Sound Thinking | |
| The Brain, Mind, and Soul | |
| A Genetic Basis of Behavior | |
| Counseling and Psychotherapy | |
Section IV | Conclusion | |
20 | Culture Wars and Warriors: Faith, Science, and the Public Square | 331 |
| Dealing with Disagreements Between Christians | |
| Christians in the Public Square | |
21 | Life in a Created World | 339 |
| Outline of a Christian World-and-Life View | |
| Participation in the Sciences for Christians | |
| How to Give Our Kids a Scientific Education | |
| Appendices | |
A. | Notes and Comments on the Chapters | 351 |
B. | Other Resources | 419 |
C. | Thomas Kuhn and Paradigms: A Review Essay | 421 |
| General Index | 434 |
| Scripture Index | 442 |