Table of Contents
* = Indicates new to this edition
1. Classical Inquiries
* By the Numbers: The Kinsey Code Book
* 1.1 Conceptualizing Sexuality, Stevi Jackson and Sue Scott
1.2 The Social Origins of Sexual Development, John H. Gagnon and William Simon
* 1.3 How to Get Valid Answers from Survey Questions, Anirudda Das and Edward Laumann
* 1.4 Thinking Critically about Strip Club Research, Katherine Frank
* Personal Voice: On Interviewing About Sex, Teela Sanders
2. Childhood Sexual Socialization
* By the Numbers: Gender Convergence in Rates of Sexual Activity
* 2.1 Primary School Studs: (De)Constructing Young Boy's Heterosexual Masculinities, Emma Renold
* 2.2 The Ambiguity of "Having Sex": The Subjective Experience of Virginity Loss in the United States, Laura Carpenter
2.3 Dating and Romantic Relationships among Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youths, Ritch C. Savin-Williams
* Personal Voice: My First TimeHim
* Personal Voice: My First TimeHer
3. Collegiate Sexualities
* By the Numbers: Four Factoids
3.1 The Gender of Desire: The Sexual Fantasies of College Women and Men, Michael Kimmel and Rebecca Plante
* 3.2 Working a Yes Out, Peggy Reeves Sanday
* 3.3 Gender, Agency, and Sexual Decision-Making in Collegiate Hookups, Rachel Kalish
* Personal Voice: A Personal Story About Hooking Up
4. Sexual Socialization Through the Life Course
* By the Numbers: How Would You Describe Your Sex Life Before and After You Had Children?
* 4.1 Sexual Expression in Later Life: A Review and Synthesis, John DeLamater
* 4.2 Transitions from Heterosexuality to Lesbianism: The Discursive Production of Lesbian Identities, Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson
* 4.3 Relationships, Sexuality and Adjustment among People with Physical Disability, George Taleporos and Marita McCabe
* Personal Voice: I Had Polio. I Also Have Sex, Winstone Zulu
5. Heterosexualities
* By the Numbers: Sexual Behavior Chart
5.1 The Heterosexual Questionnaire, M. Rochlin
* 5.2 Critique of Compulsory Heterosexuality, Steven Seidman
* 5.3 The Not-so-Straight Path to Heterosexuality: Sexual Orientation Questioning Among Young Men and Women, Elizabeth Morgan
* Box: The Invention of Heterosexuality, Jonathan Ned Katz
* Personal Voice: Coming Out as a Straight Man, Adam Warrington
* Personal Voice: Coming Out, Corey Brown
6. LGBT Identities
* By the Numbers: How Many People are LGBT?
6.1 Lesbian Identities: Concepts and Issues, Laura S. Brown
* 6.2 Transgender Youth, Arnold Grossman and Anthony D'Augelli
* 6.3 The Gay-Friendly Closet. Christine Williams, Patti Giuffre, and Kirsten Dillinger
* Box: LGBT: What's in a Name-or an Acronym?
* Personal Voice: Transgender Dinosaurs and the Rise of the Genderqueers, Riki Wilchins
* Box: Nine Stupid Myths about Bisexuals that will Make You Laugh, Anna Pulley
7. Non-Normative Sexual Identities and "Other" Sexual Identities
* By the Numbers: The Janus Report
* 7.1 There's More to Life than Sex? Difference and Commonality within the Asexual Community, Mark Carrigan
* 7.2 Whatever happened to non-monogamies? Critical reflections on Recent Research and Theory, Meg Barker and Darren Landridge
* 7.3 Is Pedophilia a sexual orientation?, Michael Seto
* Personal Voice: BDSM as a Sexual Orientation, Clarisse Thorn (Please note that this piece was incorrectly attributed to Corey A. Brown in the first printing of the book. This will be corrected in future printings. We apologize for this error.)
8. Sexual Behaviors
* By the Numbers: Gender Differences
* 8.1 The Lives and Voices of Highly Sexual Women, Eric Blumberg
* 8.2 Dude Sex: White Masculinities and 'Authentic' Heterosexuality Among Dudes who have Sex with Dudes, Jane Ward
8.3 Faking It: The Story of Ohhh!, Celia Roberts, Susan Klippax, Catherine Waldby, and June Crawford
* Personal Voice: Fifty Shades of Grey Sex Changed Our Lives For Ever
9. Technologies New and Old
* By the Numbers: Sex Toys
* 9.1 Cybersexuality in MMORPGs: Virtual Sexual Revolution Untapped, Zek Cypress Valkyrie
* 9.2 Average Joes: Men's Relationships with Media, Real Bodies, and Sexuality, Deborah Schooler and L. Monique Ward
* 9.3 Twenty-One Moves Guaranteed to Make his Thighs go up in Flames: Depictions of "Great Sex" in Popular Magazines, A.Dana Menard and Peggy J. Kleinplatz
* Box: History of Viagra
* Personal Voice: No Body is "Doing It"
10. Sex as a Global Commodity
* By the Numbers: Brothel Facts
* 10.1 Sex Work for the Middle Classes, Elizabeth Bernstein
10.2 Fantasy Islands: Exploring the Demand for Sex Tourism, Julia O'Connell Davidson and Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor
* 10.3 Human Trafficking: Globalization, Exploitation, and Transnational Sociology, Stephanie A. Limoncelli
* Personal Voice: Manifesto: PUMP
* Personal Voice: I was trafficked
11. Pornography
* By the Numbers: Porn Data
11.1 Pornography and Media: Towards a More Critical Analysis, Gail Dines and Robert Jensen
* 11.2 Pornography, Women, and Feminism: Between Pleasure and Politics, Karen Ciclitira
* 11.3 Putting Hypersexuality to Work: Black Women and Illicit Eroticvism in Pornography, Mireille Miller-Young
* Personal Voice: Manifesto, Erika Lust
* Personal Voice: Shira Tarrant Interviews Gail Dines
12. Sexual Violence
* By the Numbers: Rape Myths and Facts
* 12.1 Rape, Racism, and the Myth of the Black Rapist, Angela Y. Davis
* 12.2 Male Sexual Victimization: Examining Men's Experiences of Rape and Sexual Assault, Karen Weiss
* 12.3 Involving Men in Efforts to End Violence Against Women, Michael Flood
* Box: What is Sexual Assault?, Walter DeKeseredy and Martin Schwartz
* Personal Voice: Filming My Rapist, Nancy Schwartzman
* Personal Voice: Her Justice is My Justice, Katherine Scott Nelson
13. Sex Education and Sexual Health
* By the Numbers: HIV Rates
* 13.1 They Think You Shouldn't Be Having Sex Anyway: Young People's Suggestions for Improving Sexuality Education Content, Louisa Allen
* 13.2 Damaged Goods: Women Managing the stigma of STDs, Adina Nack
* 13.3 "Going Down": Oral Sex, Imaginary Bodies and HIV, Celia Roberts, Susan Kippax, Mary Spongberg, and June Crawford
* Personal Voice: Various Quotes
* Personal Voice: Hugo Schwyzer: "I Don't Need to Know if You Masturbate"
* Box: Goals, Values, and Fundamental Principles