Read an Excerpt
Words of love, light and extreme wisdom for the sole purpose of teaching hope, love and peace, emanating from God's words
By Carole M. Day
Copyright © 2012 Carole M. Day
All right reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-4763-3
Chapter One
Requested of Each One of Us in the Angelic Realm, To Give a Contribution * * *
Requested Of Each One of Us in the Angelic Realm, To Give a Contribution
Difficulty writing an issue worthy of others to read has to be beyond thinking on a small scale, but allowing a mind to take over a subject that is interesting to read and giving knowledge along the way.
Firstly, there must be a subject on which to base the writings. Secondly, the writer, being able to take on the words that must read with intelligence overflowing as the article unfolds and is read by many a different culture and different gender. It has to flow with so much mystery as to enable the reader to have the need to pick up the manuscript again and again, because as the story unfolds, the interest and excitement of the content must unfurl and capture the readers' imagination.
We in the Angelic Realm are so very interested in helping with your book. It is requested of each one of us, to give a contribution to the manuscript of a placement of extreme interest to you all on earth, us knowing how difficult a life it is to complete there.
We are not able to help you live your life as that is a responsibility purely of your own. We can help you with stories to do with how we live in Heaven to a certain extent, only as much as we are allowed to give.
It is with immense excitement that we enlighten your souls on the way our Father created us all, elevating us to the ways of His love, harmony and kindness, after much knowledge and happiness unfolding into enlightenment, hoping we can pass on to you all for your own goodness, extending the invitation to you all to take upon yourselves the willingness to read our wondrous stories of wisdom, stories of what our dear Lord and Master is like.
To believe in how much He loves you and watches your endeavours with trying to succeed with your experiences and trusting we here with the way forward of your lives on this world of beauty. If only you all allowed yourselves to accomplish world peace, no wars, or terror, but love beyond all else, this is God's purpose for you all.
God Bless You All
Words by Archangel Michael, 2nd April 2011
Dear Father in Heaven, we ask for your help to deal with weaknesses that surround us all. We ask dear Father for your Divine energy to be showered upon us enlightening our lives, letting us see our daily tasks ahead of us, to carry out these tasks with energy, love and kindness, giving us your strength to continue doing our menial tasks, not hesitating at the requests of help showered upon us.
Father, help us to help others along our life's path, generating wisdom and knowledge, strengthening our resolve not to find our load unbearable, just to carry this burden given to us pushing us to our limit, doing this with much love, dignity, and hope.
We are here dear Father to carry your name and wishes forward to all those who have the will to listen, lightening their load enabling the journey in front of them to become lighter as they go forward in life.
Father in Heaven, help the dear little children who are in need of your love and cherish them as they are born into this extreme world. Send to them Jesus to devote His time, His gentleness, and softness and after all else, His love.
Dear Father, take away the wars from our shores, take away the wars from our world. Help there to be peace throughout the land, taking away those who wish us harm. Give peace of mind to those who run others' lives, take away their cruel ways of leading a country. Let them see the way to you dear Father with enlightenment seeing the error of their ways enough for them to love others as they would be loved themselves.
Send to us dear Father your Angels of Mercy bringing with them your Divine instructions for us to follow with all our strength, our fortitude. If we are not sure what to believe, not being as enlightened to your existence as others, please teach us with much patience, sending your Divine instructions encouraging us to follow your beautiful light in love and faith.
Dear Father in Heaven, lighten the existence of the Animal Kingdom giving them your hand in love when they are in need. Enlighten those who have cruel tendencies teaching and showing them the way to their true calling, loving and helping all things.
Dear Father in Heaven, Help Us, Words by Archangel Michael
Angel of Mercy
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Angel of Mercy
I am here, an Angel of Mercy, so excited at the wording for the book. We here in the world of spirit, the home of Holiness of our extreme God, bless all those partaking in the making of a book solely made up of inspired words written with love and so much strength of mind, just highlighting those thoughts illuminated by an interested party wanting to help all in need on the earth world.
We here in Spirit do not need the help that is asked for by those on earth. Nevertheless you are our brothers and sisters partaking in a difficult test, an enactment on earth and we are so joyous to listen and help all those who are suffering in whatever way we can.
As an Angel of Mercy the plan laid out for me is to offer my help to those who are in need of strength, fortitude, to help the lonely, those burdened with grief, offering my love as an Angel of Mercy giving solace to those who ask in God's name for the burden of suffering to be lightened.
God has given to me enough strength as an Angel of Mercy to carry out His plan for me to work on His behalf, lightening the sometimes unbearable load carried on shoulders not yet wide enough to carry such a burdensome weight. My task is to shower the world with love showing mercy in God's Holy name.
Words by an Angel of Mercy 8th September 2011
Dear Father in Heaven, hear our prayer. Solve our mysteries of our beautiful world. Keep us in your sight always. Help us to search for your blessedness in all things. Keep us from hurt and cruelty, helping us along the path of your Glory. Help us to know we are your children and are beloved in your eyes. Guide us Oh Heavenly Father in all that we see and all that we do giving our all for your salvation. Love us dear Father when our lives seem to fail, keeping us walking straight along life's pathway to success. Help the weak and disturbed bringing them in line with your prayers for them. It is life's plan that we seek your help, give to us your experiences, and give us your love. You are our mentor dear Lord, send us through our lives with strength, fortitude and if all else fails to take us to our home in your light. God in Heaven show us how to love from our hearts reflecting your beauty, your love, your Glorious Being. Help us to want all this with your help above all else.
14th May 2011
Will You Please Help Me Write A Book?
Carole you are able to write a book with my help that I am happy to give. The Angelic Realm and all who are therein will help dictate when you are ready.
The choice of prayers is decided by our Lord and Father He will take the interest. Think of how you would like to start this going. Prayers will be given explaining our home here in Heaven. Prayers will be given to you from our Lord on High, prayers of the highest order.
The book can originate from you but just by asking the right words will be forthcoming. God in Heaven has high values and will accept nothing less than perfect with his name behind any prayer.
You must start by putting together a beginning of your spiritual journey encompassing all the wondrous altercations you have been given and experienced through time. We here in the Angelic Realm have purposely and deliberately downloaded and sent to you these wondrous acts and experiences for you, to help you through and start your spiritual journey of which you are doing well.
The thoughts I pass on to you as you write are reminding you of notes written as a future reminder of these occurrences and experiences. At each location, each venture, each treasure you unfold will make a delicious insight into our wondrous world passing on your heartfelt experiences to those earthly souls who need extra simple and easy to behold happenings, enthralled into an easy to read easy to comprehend fascinating compilation of beautiful Heavenly and Angelic prayers.
God Be With You
Words by Archangel Michael 27th January 2011
Should I Ask The Question, How Am I Doing?
I felt rather cheeky asking the question, how am I doing. Even so, I did ask, to my surprise and delight received the following message in reply. I then asked the question of myself should these words be included in the book, as they are about me. Well, here are the words that I am so delighted to put on show, because they are truly from Spirit and our dear Archangel Michael. All that he gives to us all, we must accept with thanks, appreciating all we are given in gratitude.
How Am I Doing?
Here you are Carole, as requested, and yes you are able to ask me this question about yourself. There are some things I would not be able to answer. Our Father and Creator asked that you were sent to the earth plain to gain experience spanning over centuries experiences regarding feelings of extreme approaches.
You are from level 16 here in spirit which is a high plain to be. You are needed here with these experiences to teach over here. You are limitless in all you do, encroaching your love in life wherever you go.
Join me in searching for lost lives or souls who desperately need their lives fixing.
We, the higher Beings in Heaven, respect and cherish you, encouraging you to continue your life of good. We are proud of you minimising your plight, helping others with your thoughts and prayers.
Continue along your way Carole, helping all in need and when it is time for you to cross the Great Divide we shall meet you with arms outstretched, welcoming you after your life on the earth plain.
We are pleased with all you do. You are respected by us all. You have done well with the plans given for you.
Respect Always
Words by Archangel Michael 17th January 2011
When This Book Is Complete Yes To Book 2?
God in Heaven is delighted that His name is used to put forward words and prayers, allowing more such words to be forthcoming in the future. Carole has already asked that once this book is complete she be allowed to proceed with book 2.
It is with complete favour that we here in Spirit encourage her to do this work.
The wonders of Heaven and Spirit World need to be told to show all on the earth plain, those who are interested, where they will reside on completion of their term of their education. There is little need to cause unhappiness, frightened thoughts, when all will be a journey of enlightened travel as life on earth becomes to an end.
Have faith dear ones; remember from whence you started your journey. You do need to use imagination a little to behold this wonder. You are so blessed in the eyes of your Father. He yearns for the day when all his children love one another, including the Animal Kingdom, what a blessed day that will be.
Each day forth is to bring you closer to our Creator. Think of how it was, how it is, then most importantly how it could be and will be, if all learn about passing to Spirit peacefully, meeting those souls who are looking forward to your return home.
Do not let your mind slip into despondency and weakness. Be strong and know that you are helped more than you know. We sing out loud when a soul on earth is awakened to the light.
Do not doubt dear children, you are loved beyond all else. Speak to me, I will listen.
God Be With You Always
Words by Archangel Michael 3rd March 2011
Our Father, our Creator and Mentor grants us favours, stories to enlighten our earthly lives towards our own salvation.
Prayers are said and are a way to enlighten us when things are in a bad condition.
Glorious Light and well-being are sent to all as a blessing, enabling all to see the Light and Blessedness of our beautiful Creator.
Join me in proclaiming our Blessed Lord and Father. Join me in raising future hope to all who follow the light with hope, glory, and faithfulness.
God blesses your journey in all things and sends you access to our wondrous home which is Heaven sent.
Glory Be
Words by Archangel Michael 16th December 2010
Message From Baraccus
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An Angel Came Forth To Preach
Words by Angel Baraccus
Once upon a time in far off lands an Angel came forth to preach a story to all human beings in order that the words would encourage the true thinking about life existing after death. In order for this to happen Archangel Gabriel sought permission from our God enabling the right wording to follow forth, with the existing wording enlightening all human beings in order that the words would encourage the true thinking all around us all, pressing us with a distinct feeling of beautiful ritual giving the most outgoing lights that can be seen by man.
If it weren't for the Archangel's wording being sent to the front of all those speaking in the different tongues, many saved by salvation would not have been necessary, nor words forthcoming so eagerly waited for in these early years of believing in our Majestic God.
Listen to the words given in peace and loving devotion giving blessings, feeding all with these words of wisdom and natural ways of goodness, leaving the turmoil behind, only seeing peaceful aspects of a lonely domain.
We Angels love to be spoken to with inspiring words, turning simplicity into wisdom, beyond any other that comes before or after the following to the rightful way of the light, lighting our way through darkness into a loving home engaged with all the loving ambitions that do exist even though we seem to let it pass us by.
Love us dear redeemer, dear soul of beauty and discovery of wondrous approaches. Give us the way to this light; let us follow your steps along a rugged road to the way of salvation.
God is love and He asks that you send to Him so much of humility, conscience and Divine knowing, for Him to be so proud of what you have given Him enwrapped in love, serenity, a heartfelt feeling of loyalty, to all others whether they are followers or just waiting for that day when a life will be opened and blessed with the sacrament of our loving and resourceful Father in Heaven. Reach out to Him, He will answer. You must open your hearts to love, to hear and receive an answer.
Glory Be To God on High
Words by Angel Baraccus. With love to you all struggling to live a useful and Godly life there on the earth plain. Love is with you now and always.
1st August 2011
Message From David, Of The Spirit World
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Seeking Solitude
By David from the Spirit World
Those who are seeking a world of solitude on the earth plain will find it daunting searching amongst a hierarchy of noise, vice, haste, everything but solitude.
To reach a state of quiet restfulness, you are searching for solitude; it takes a certain peace within yourself, within your mind set. It is to look into your own mind, quietening a healthy body and soul. Meditation is a sure form of relaxation, aligning a body's chakra is another way of lightening a life's turmoil when one or more of these chakras has misaligned due to the pressure of a life.
Allowing life's load to continue pressing with strength onto a human's brain without any relief is a great burden as life continues without unloading the worry and burdensome pressures. Unless these burdens are relieved or released it will be like a volcanic eruption causing the mind of the person to erupt with pressure.
It is for you to find a way of reaching that restful mind, it is another's experiences of meditation written in books purposely to help those who are searching for ways to relax and meditate, giving to them the value of their own experiences.
There are many interesting ways for you to learn how to relax, there are many books on this subject just waiting for you to read, the author's just waiting for you to find and pick up their books they are so proud to have written putting their experiences into words just for you.
A journey into the world of relaxation is such a valuable asset for your mind to own and put into circulation, as you live your life collecting negative vibrations as well as positive along your everyday ventures which are just crammed with worries, each of your days lived are full of these happenings whether good or bad experiences that only you yourselves can say if your minds can cope with the added responsibilities.
Excerpted from SNATCHES OF BRILLIANCE by Carole M. Day Copyright © 2012 by Carole M. Day. Excerpted by permission of BALBOA PRESS. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.