Rather than inundating the reader with too many horror stories, Scotti personalizes the terror. She profiles a socialite who never forgot the man who sheltered her and 10 other storm refugees. She visited him regularly until his death. Then she erected a beautiful granite cross to him.
Scotti is wise to include not just nature's horror but also humanity's kindness as well.
Relying on published accounts, meteorological analysis and interviews with survivors, she has an inherently gripping story on her hands. There are the facts of the storm, which are monumentally appalling. The human face of loss is even more excruciating. In the aftermath, Scotti writes, it was necessary to count the dead along the beaches of Rhode Island by air because so many ''had put on their boots to slog through the water.'' The heavy boots ''weighed the bodies down so that only the tops of their heads were visible.''
Erica Sanders
Former journalist and mystery novelist Scotti successfully applies her skills in both genres to this detailed retelling of the 1938 hurricane that ripped across seven Northeastern states and killed 682 people, "the most destructive natural disaster in U.S. history-worse than the San Francisco earthquake, the Chicago fire, or any Mississippi flood." Although the enormity of the destruction has been written about before, Scotti focuses on "a few experiences that seem representative of many more" through interviews with hurricane survivors, their families and friends, as well as previously published recollections by survivors, including the late Katharine Hepburn. Scotti's detailed look at the general extent of the hurricane's destruction adds poignancy to individual stories, such as those of Joseph Matoes, who sees his children swept away from their school bus as they are battered by huge waves; Lillian Tetlow and Jack Kinney, two sweethearts who survive a storm that destroys Napatree, R.I., and who later marry; and Charles Pierce, a "green and unsure" junior forecaster for a woefully underprepared U.S. Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service) who stands against his experienced superiors as the only forecaster to recognize the danger of the hurricane. Scotti also skillfully presents the details of a hurricane, although she reminds us that "after decades of study and with all the technological tools of the trade... we still cannot predict a hurricane more than twenty-four hours in advance." (Sept.) Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.
Mystery writer Scotti (The Hammer’s Eye, 1988, etc.) applies her suspense-building skills to the story of a murderous storm that capped a punishing decade. It’s hard to go wrong with the raw material provided by the Great Hurricane of 1938. The narrative follows the storm as it made landfall in Florida, pushed up the coast, and raced from Cape Hatteras to Long Island in a mere seven hours. Where appropriate, Scotti adds brief background material on the nature of hurricanes, the quality of weather forecasting at the time, and the histories of the towns hardest hit, particularly in Rhode Island; she also compares the 1938 storm to others in the past. But she saves her most powerful writing for the hurricane itself, describing the storm watch and the havoc wrought when it reached land with the help of a wide sampling of firsthand accounts. "The scene around us in the attic was unbelievable," recalls a woman who was ten at the time. "The waves, at the level of the attic floor, beat unceasingly against the house, which trembled and shook." Scotti matches the wild images of the eyewitness accounts with her own flair for descriptive narrative: "The ocean banged on doors and windows . . . then it went upstairs into the bedrooms where families sought refuge, and chased them higher yet, into third floors and attics, onto rooftops, until there was no place to go but into the sea." Almost 700 people died, 433 of them in Rhode Island, where the storm surge buried Providence under 12 feet of water and where Scotti concentrates her story. With power and phone lines down, it was days before people understood the full extent of the devastation, which along the shoreline in particular was complete: "Whatthey eye saw, the mind could not process and the heart refused to accept." A darkly intense portrait. (16 pp. b&w photos, not seen, 4 maps) Agent: Joe Spieler/Spieler Agency