TBH, This Is So Awkward
This true story will take you to a heavenly realm beyond the dimensions of this world, then back again. It starts with the humble beginnings of a normal life no different than anyone else's. Yet it will guide you from the depth of a spiritual seeker to learn that there is a higher power in all our lives beyond this third-dimensional life. It will also take you on a journey of what is called Reflections. Words of wisdom that are a collection of life experiences, placed in a poetic format, to enrich and guide your journey on this path called life.
TBH, This Is So Awkward
This true story will take you to a heavenly realm beyond the dimensions of this world, then back again. It starts with the humble beginnings of a normal life no different than anyone else's. Yet it will guide you from the depth of a spiritual seeker to learn that there is a higher power in all our lives beyond this third-dimensional life. It will also take you on a journey of what is called Reflections. Words of wisdom that are a collection of life experiences, placed in a poetic format, to enrich and guide your journey on this path called life.
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TBH, This Is So Awkward

TBH, This Is So Awkward

by Lisa Greenwald
TBH, This Is So Awkward

TBH, This Is So Awkward

by Lisa Greenwald


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This true story will take you to a heavenly realm beyond the dimensions of this world, then back again. It starts with the humble beginnings of a normal life no different than anyone else's. Yet it will guide you from the depth of a spiritual seeker to learn that there is a higher power in all our lives beyond this third-dimensional life. It will also take you on a journey of what is called Reflections. Words of wisdom that are a collection of life experiences, placed in a poetic format, to enrich and guide your journey on this path called life.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780062689900
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Publication date: 01/02/2018
Series: TBH Series , #1
Pages: 224
Sales rank: 182,250
Product dimensions: 5.20(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.80(d)
Age Range: 8 - 12 Years

Read an Excerpt

"In Your Lifetime, Follow The Light, Not The Darkness"

By M. Petersen

Trafford Publishing

Copyright © 2013 M. Petersen
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4669-8035-8



.... of life's lessons, and of life's testing's, to see what our soul is made of. The choices we make whether that of light or darkness, whether we choose this pathway or that pathway, will fashion the remainder of our lives. Think about it and CHOOSE WELL. We are in the school of learning called earth. Our inner soul has chosen to link with the physical body of humanity. Think about your life down the road, maybe, twenty, thirty, or maybe by the age of forty. I am now in my fifty's and still working on the next phase of my life. Think about what it would take to accomplish this goal you have made for yourself and pave out a plan to make it happen. Where do your interests take you? What is in your heart's desire if you could do anything you wanted to do? Ask the creator spirit of your soul for help along the way. What we picture in our mind's eye can transpire in due time if we keep focused on our goals. Its okay to let those goals expand or change as we live out our life. If we listen to our heart, it will lead us in the right direction in the course of our life, keeping in mind not to cause any harm to ourselves and others. The age old saying: "Treat others the way that you would like to be treated", is an eternal truth. Listen to the promptings of your mind and inner guidance system. Invite the light of the mother-father God's love.... fill your heart, body, mind, and soul.

So, my question to you is this....

What are your choices in the course of your own life? Do you choose the "light" of the matter; that which is good and wholesome, or do you choose the darker path, driven by ego's lower animal instincts of self-gratification, what I personally refer to the dragon within.


Each day we are faced with a new beginning. Take one step at a time, one day at a time, one week, one month, and one year at a time. Let time unfold before your eyes like the petals of a flower opening up to its full potential. Each day arises with a clean slate. We have another chance to make things right with the world if needed.


I often feel quite insignificant as I walk on the face of our Mother Earth. I feel like one small voice in the sea of many voices. How could my own small voice drown out the others or speak out loud enough to make a significant change for the betterment of the whole populous. I'm just one small insignificant person. But I say different now that I have walked the earth for almost sixty years now. Our lives touch so many others over the course of a life time. A simple smile to a stranger or a kind word of encouragement can make all the difference in someone else's day. You have heard of the wise parable of a stone being thrown into a pool of still water. The stone soon sinks to the bottom of the watery pool, but the force of the stone pushes the surrounding water to form circles of waves in all directions at once. This force of nature can be used to describe our own actions for they too put out an energy force that touches the lives of those around us. We can choose whether that force is of the light to be a creation of love and joy for our fellow man, or that of darkness that has the same energy flow, but rather immerses those around them with the karmic effects of wrong doing; creating betrayal, greed, hate, selfishness and discord to name a few.


BECOME one of the SONS/DAUGHTERS OF LIGHT versus one of the sons/daughters of darkness. Choosing the path of light and love during your lifetime is a choice of goodness in a kind and humble way; not haughty or self-righteous, but that of politeness and respectful communication. We have to admit that there is goodness and evil in this world of duality. Within the anatomy of our inner soul, in the center of our etheric heart's core, holds a portion of energy from the source of creation.

There is an aperture somewhat like that of a camera lens that opens or closes in this center chamber of the heart of our soul. When we think or feel positive thoughts of goodness towards ourselves or to our fellow man, our heart's center opens up and is filled with the essence of positive energy, love, and light. When we focus on negative thoughts our heart's center closes and we can feel the darkness within; our heart burns with a discomfort of darkness, so we learn from our mistakes and we can choose again. We can make better choices with each new moment and each new day. Ask the spirit of God to open your heart to the alchemy and emotion of God's love.


This too will pass in time. Time heals everything sooner or later. Don't give up on your life. Pray for the right answers. Contemplate or meditate on what is the best thing to do, even if it is to walk away or ignore the problem for a while. You will know when to act in a kind hearted way, or when it is time to set boundaries to keep your own life sacred and productive. Choose the right circle of friends that keep your life healthy. I have been thrown a few curve balls throughout my journey. While it may take some time to digest what has happened, we can only move forward from there. Sometimes it takes many years to iron out the mishaps. Eventually, time will take its course; healing will take place if you allow it. When I don't know what to do, I have found that the best thing is to ask for help and guidance in prayer. Asking God to help carry my burdens; solutions transpire in due time.


There will be challenging times in the seasons of our soul's journey. Be patient with yourself. When life seems so dark at times, don't give up; ride it out to the end of the storm. I promise you, this too will pass. The darkness of the storm will eventually subside. The light of the sun will rise again. Ask God for help and for guidance. Ask for a proper solution to any given problem that might present itself in your lifetime. The answers may not crop up into your conscience mind immediately. But somehow the right person may cross your path with the right advice that you are looking for. You might read a book or hear something on the radio that is exactly what you need. You might be led to call someone on the phone to chat awhile. Whatever the answers will be that are provided for you, sometimes take time. Be patient. The real solution is to ASK GOD FOR HELP, and help will come in various ways.


When the storms of life pass, the rainbow days are worth waiting for, and believe me they will come. THE SUN ALWAYS RISES. Life has it's rewarding times too. We just have to wait and see what is around the bend in the road. The twists and turns in the course of life's journey can open up to the most beautiful moments and happy times too.


You cannot conceptualize God within the limits of scientific physicality; especially within the limited thinking of the Western world's train of thought. God does not play by the rules of limited human ignorance. Yes, there is a greater power within the heavens. This greater power is that of pure energy, immersed in love. The study of science will never be able to map out the etheric energy of God's pure consciousness, or contain it.

The world of spirit cannot be conceptualized by our ordinary physical senses. The etheric world of spirit is our true home. Our goal is to become one with this divine creation.

The stories in my book are true and valid beyond the measure of science. God is my witness. This book is not written for the viewpoint of a well-trained scholar, but from that of personal experience. The pages of my book are filled with a life time of experiential happenings. God often communicates to us through THOUGHT. He reaches out to each of us individually, in a personal way. We learn through experience. My journey is compiled of lessons of the soul.


The earth is immersed within the plane of FREE WILL called duality. So this plane can either be that of blessing or curse, light or dark. Some days are likened to diamonds, others like stone.

The bible explains that as a man thinks.... so is he. Our lives are the result of our thoughts.

(NKJV) Proverbs 23: Verse 7> "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."....

When we invite God into our lives in a PERSONAL way, He will do so if only we ask. However, GOD RESPECTS OUR FREE WILL; He does not force His thoughts or will upon you. If you don't invite the presence of Mother-Father God into your personal life's journey, then God seems distant.

If you turn your back on the truth of God's existence, then that will be your reality.

Our souls come to earth's life plane with the blessings of choice. We need only to ASK. Pray and God will listen. God forgives those who humble themselves, asking for guidance. Simply ask God to reveal himself to you in a personal way. Think with your heart, not with your five basic physical senses. Ask from the depth of your heart, that God will reveal himself to you in that of a spiritual nature, beyond the world of physicality. For the source of our soul's creation is from that of etheric pure energy of Light and Love. Blessings from God's out-reaching hand of enlightenment will not come your way unless you invite and ask for his intervention in your life. The choice is ours.

(NKJV) Colossians 3: Verse 2> "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth."

(NKJV) Psalm 37: Verse 3> "Trust in the Lord, and do good: Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Verse 4> "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Verse 5> Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Verse 6> He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.


These are the words spoken to me during my visionary near-death experience at the age of 15. I will tell you more as the pages of this book unfold.


About every ten years, something profound would happen to me as I was growing up that was somewhat unexplainable in everyday terms. Looking back, it was like a predestined occurrence to test my character or to mold my soul into a new layer of awakening towards something that was a much higher power than mine self.

So here is my story from youth to adulthood; then beyond to middle age. I am still learning, still experiencing every day miracles with a life directed by the spirit of God. "Ask and you will receive", is a common saying amongst the spiritual teachings of old. Your life will be an amazing journey if you invite God to walk it with you. This doesn't mean that things will always turn out exactly like you may wish them to transpire, but it will surprise you in the end with just how wonderful life can be. Seek God's direction at every turn when you feel the need to do so. Spend time in quite prayer and contemplation. Listen to the inner promptings of your soul's journey. Answers and guidance will come to you like a download of information little by little. I have learned that the "greatest wisdom" is just an inner "knowing" > called "Gnosis" when written in Sanskrit.


My neighbor Harold use to tell me that he felt sorry for me as a three month old newborn baby, lying in a small basinet placed near several tall trees. My parents placed me there while they were building our cabin at the lake. It was strange to hear his words, "feeling sorry for you" because I have always loved these particular trees that he was referring to. They are located behind the house that was constructed so many years ago. To this day when I visit the lake home, I will at some point in my return, secretly slip back to these trees and look up at their tall branches. I then say in my own mind as in telepathic review, "I am home again". I have fond memories of the forest and the trees of this region. I grew up roaming the country side from the beaches on the lake to the top of the very large mountain behind our home. The view of the lake at the very pinnacle of the mountain is spectacular. It gives you an enhanced panoramic view of the entire lake which is about two miles in length and one mile in width. It's not unusual to see a bald eagle flying above or a deer roaming the country side. I was very fortunate to grow up in the company of this beautiful lake surrounded by several densely forested mountains. I refer to this lake as a "mountain lake" that still has its pristine beauty preserved by nature. Some of the lakes I see in the area where I now reside, I refer to as "city lakes" because they are surrounded by the skylines of many tall office buildings. Numerous homes are built on every inch surrounding the water front. When I was first born, this cabin home that was being built consisted of only one large rectangular room. Both of my parents worked and lived in the nearby town, so this was a secondary piece of land that they had purchased in the year of 1954. The price of which was eight hundred and fifty dollars with their hard earned money. They made monthly payments of fifty dollars until it was completely paid off. Our cabin had the usual kitchen, table, and living room. Towards the farthest corners of the room, it housed three bunk beds. My crib was carefully placed at one far left corner while the bunk beds lined up to the right of my space. They placed a very large curtain to separate the sleeping areas from the living room. The living room was graced with a very large picture window that overlooked the lake. My father had seen a nearby gas station in town that was being torn down. They had a sign that said "HELP YOURSELF" to any of the left over supplies lying on the ground. There was a very large window that was once part of the garage door of the old gas station's work area. He got the window for the right price, "free of charge" for just hauling it away! One of his brothers had a truck so this was an easy opportunity. In my younger years the cheapest wood was cedar so this was the wood of choice. The high peaked roof was surfaced with smooth aluminum roofing. Each winter, many feet of winter snow would slide right off of the cabin onto the front deck below. The wooden front deck was built around several tall trees that are still growing taller to this day. They shade the house quite well from the hot summer sun. Every few years the immediate space on the deck around the trees will need to be widened to permit room for growth. As you sit on the deck, the view of the lake is quite serene and peaceful. All in all it's like heaven on earth in this little remote country lake home.

We spent many weekends and summer vacations at the lake while I was growing up. I was able to learn how to swim like a fish from a very young age. My father and older brother found a business in town that allowed you to build your own speed boat if you paid for the supplies. So they made ends meet financially and soon after completed the boat! Now we had a speed boat to go water skiing and to take joy rides around the lake. I was in third grade when I first learned how to water ski. My feet were too small for the water skis so my brother had me leave on my tennis shoes to make a better fit. His patience finally paid off after about ten or twelve tries; I finally made it up on top of the water. It was incredible! I felt like I was flying for the very first time as my water skis glazed the surface of the water.

We also had our fishing boat. I remember eating a lot of freshly caught fish while growing up. On occasion we would motor boat to the narrows at the end of the lake that formed into the marsh lands. There, we would catch turtles with the fishing net. After taking them home we would place them into a wading pool and paint our initials on their backs with red fingernail polish. Eventually we would place them on the beach all lined up in a row and let them go. They would scatter off in all directions.


Excerpted from "In Your Lifetime, Follow The Light, Not The Darkness" by M. Petersen. Copyright © 2013 M. Petersen. Excerpted by permission of Trafford Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Life is an Initiation, 1,

Remember that Every Day is a Fresh New Start, 3,

Significance Versus Insignificance, 4,

It's Never Too Late to Change, 5,

Bad Days Come and Go, 6,

Survive the Dark Night of the Soul, 7,

Wait for the Rainbow Days, 8,

God Reaches Out to His/Her Children in Many Ways, 9,

Free Will, 10,

Life has Its Cycles of Initiations, 12,

A Fresh New Baby in a Basket, 13,

Being Introduced to the Para-Normal, 19,

The Ghost in the Apple Orchard, 21,

Everyday Miracles, 26,

In Your Life Time, Follow the Light, not the Darkness, 29,

Being Filled With the Holy Spirit, 37,

Life Goes On As a Young Adult / Transmigration of Souls, 39,

Dreams, 41,

Reincarnation/Gilgull Heshamot, 46,

Karma, 49,

"Don't Judge a Person Until You Walk in their Moccasins.", 53,

American Indian Spiritual Vision, 55,

"You Don't Have to Go to Church to be a Good Christian", 58,

The True Temple of God is in Your Own Soul, 60,

Being Born Again, 61,

Be Careful What You Think, 62,

I Am Not A Saint, 63,

Lessons of Life in Elementary School; Life can be Humbling, 66,

Earning Respect, 68,

Neither a Leader or a Follower, 70,

Growing Up in High School, 73,

Later in Life as a Young Adult, 76,

Lessons of Life in the Work Place, 77,

Work Place Protocol, 79,

Spiritual Awakenings/ Knundilini Energy, 80,

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit, 83,

Fruits of the Carnal Flesh, 84,

Life Continues, 85,

Unity Consciousness, 87,

When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear, 93,

The Auric Field, 94,

One God Within the Unity of Creation, 95,

History of the Christian Church, 99,

Anatomy of the Soul, 101,

Symbolic Character References in the Bible, 107,

Ascension>The Bridegroom Awaits Us, 108,

The Story of the Lotus Flower, 112,

Father, Your Will Be Done, Not Mine, 118,

Images of the Human Aura, 120,

The Caduceus > The Wand of Hermes, 121,

The Eye of the Storm, 124,

Guided Meditation, 126,

Heart Strings, 128,

Positive Thinking, 132,

Lessons of Life in Your Own Family; Life is Like a Game of Chess, 134,

Reflections in the Mirror, 136,

Time Out, 137,

When I Say No I Mean No, 139,

Then Came the Teenage Years!, 142,

I Don't Play Favorites, 143,

My Mother was a Good Role Model, 145,

Take One Day At a Time, 146,

Suicide is Not an Option, 148,

Regrets, 149,

Full Circle, 152,

Letting Go of Anger, 155,

Forgiveness, 158,

Healing, 159,

Goals, 160,

Blessings, 161,

Think With Your Heart, 163,

End Notes:, 165,

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