Teenagers and Substance Use: Social Networks and Peer Influence
Over the past decade there has been renewed research interest in the relative impact of peer selection and peer influence on similarity in the substance use of teenagers. Researchers have concluded that either peer selection or peer influence explain the similarity. Teenagers and Substance Use examines this research question differently, using complete network data, and arrives at different conclusions. Similarity in the substance use of teenagers and their peers is explained by either peer selection or peer influence for some, by both for others, and by neither for others. Using a sociological approach and a social network perspective this book demonstrates how chain reactions result in similarity in the substance use of teenagers, by drawing together those who are similar with those who are not. Chain reactions involve peer selection, the patterning of peer ties and peer influence, and gender affects all aspects of the chain reaction process. Although their peers are the main influencers, family, relatives and other people also affect the substance use of teenagers.

About the Author:
Deirdre M. Kirke is Lecturer in Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Teenagers and Substance Use: Social Networks and Peer Influence
Over the past decade there has been renewed research interest in the relative impact of peer selection and peer influence on similarity in the substance use of teenagers. Researchers have concluded that either peer selection or peer influence explain the similarity. Teenagers and Substance Use examines this research question differently, using complete network data, and arrives at different conclusions. Similarity in the substance use of teenagers and their peers is explained by either peer selection or peer influence for some, by both for others, and by neither for others. Using a sociological approach and a social network perspective this book demonstrates how chain reactions result in similarity in the substance use of teenagers, by drawing together those who are similar with those who are not. Chain reactions involve peer selection, the patterning of peer ties and peer influence, and gender affects all aspects of the chain reaction process. Although their peers are the main influencers, family, relatives and other people also affect the substance use of teenagers.

About the Author:
Deirdre M. Kirke is Lecturer in Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

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Teenagers and Substance Use: Social Networks and Peer Influence

Teenagers and Substance Use: Social Networks and Peer Influence

by Shahsuzan Zakaria
Teenagers and Substance Use: Social Networks and Peer Influence

Teenagers and Substance Use: Social Networks and Peer Influence

by Shahsuzan Zakaria

Paperback(1st ed. 2006)

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Over the past decade there has been renewed research interest in the relative impact of peer selection and peer influence on similarity in the substance use of teenagers. Researchers have concluded that either peer selection or peer influence explain the similarity. Teenagers and Substance Use examines this research question differently, using complete network data, and arrives at different conclusions. Similarity in the substance use of teenagers and their peers is explained by either peer selection or peer influence for some, by both for others, and by neither for others. Using a sociological approach and a social network perspective this book demonstrates how chain reactions result in similarity in the substance use of teenagers, by drawing together those who are similar with those who are not. Chain reactions involve peer selection, the patterning of peer ties and peer influence, and gender affects all aspects of the chain reaction process. Although their peers are the main influencers, family, relatives and other people also affect the substance use of teenagers.

About the Author:
Deirdre M. Kirke is Lecturer in Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781349543540
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan UK
Publication date: 07/14/2006
Edition description: 1st ed. 2006
Pages: 202
Product dimensions: 5.51(w) x 8.50(h) x (d)

About the Author

DEIRDRE M. KIRKE is Lecturer in Sociology at the National University of Ireland.

Table of Contents

List of Tables     ix
List of Figures     xi
Acknowledgements     xii
Introduction     1
Review of Literature     10
Introduction     10
Research on peers     11
Research on peer groups using a social network approach     13
Research on parents     21
The relative impact of parents and peers     23
Conclusion     25
Research Methods     28
Introduction     28
Survey research methods     29
Sources of the data     29
The community: Census of families     29
Population of teenagers     29
The snowball sample of peers     30
Methods of data collection     31
The pilot study     31
Data collection     32
The questionnaire     33
Social network questions     33
Substance use questions     35
Coding and data analysis     36
Coding     36
Data analysis     36
Social network analysis     36
The complete network and peer groups     36
Snowball sample of peer ties     39
Accuracy in network measurement     39
Conclusion     40
The Teenagers and their Substance Use     42
Introduction     42
The teenagers     42
Gender     43
Age     43
Occupational status     43
Leisure time     46
Substances used by the teenagers     47
Cigarettes     48
Alcohol     48
Drugs     48
Combinations of substances used     49
Teenagers' substance use by gender     50
Teenagers' substance use by age     51
Teenagers' substance use by occupational status     52
Teenagers' substance use by education     53
Conclusion     54
Teenagers' Substance Use by Family Influences     57
Introduction     57
The teenagers' families     57
Teenagers' substance use by family circumstances     58
Teenagers' substance use by intact or broken family home     58
Teenagers' substance use by employment status of parents     59
Teenagers' substance use by social class of the family     60
Teenagers' substance use by parental substance use     61
Teenagers' substance use by closeness to parents     62
Teenagers' substance use by parental influence     64
Parental control of the teenagers' substance use     65
Parental advice against substance use     65
Parental control of choice of friends     66
Parental control of teenagers' free-time activities     66
Teenagers' substance use by siblings' substance use     67
Teenagers' substance use by siblings' influence     68
Conclusion     68
The Role of Peers in Teenagers' Substance Use     71
Introduction     71
Selection of peers     72
Formation of peer groups and the complete network     74
Teenagers' substance use by their social position     76
Similarity in substance use in dyads     80
Similarity in substance use in peer groups     83
Conclusion     86
Peer Influence and Selection in Peer Groups     89
Introduction     89
Peer Group 4     90
Peer Groups 8 and 9     99
Conclusion     102
Chain Reactions in Teenagers' Substance Use     105
Introduction     105
Rates of substance use in population and in case studies      106
Similarity in substance use in dyads in complete network     106
Peer influence in the population of teenagers     108
Case studies of peer groups     108
Peer Group 1     109
Similarity in Peer Group 1     116
Peer influence at first substance use in Peer Group 1     117
Peer influence in current substance use in Peer Group 1     119
Peer influence or selection in Peer Group 1     119
Peer Group 2     119
Similarity in Peer Group 2     120
Peer influence at first substance use in Peer Group 2     121
Peer influence in current substance use in Peer Group 2     123
Peer influence or selection in Peer Group 2     123
Peer Group 3     123
Similarity in Peer Group 3     123
Peer influence at first substance use in Peer Group 3     124
Peer influence in current substance use in Peer Group 3     126
Peer influence or selection in Peer Group 3     127
Conclusion     127
The Role of Gender in Chain Reactions     131
Introduction     131
Gender and the selection of peers     132
Substance use among the teenagers by their gender     135
Gender and peer influence     140
Gender and the patterning of peer ties     143
Gender in chain reactions     147
Conclusion     148
Discussion and Conclusion     150
Discussion     151
Conclusion     163
Questionnaire     168
Absolute Alcohol Consumption Index     181
Drug Classes     182
The Patterning of Peer Ties in Peer Groups 6 and 7     183
Glossary of Terms     185
Bibliography     189
Index     197
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