'In my view, Jill Boucher’s The Autistic Spectrum: Characteristics, Causes, and Practical Issues ranks right up there with the very best of existing texts. Most impressively, she has carved out a niche in a crowded field and written a book that is original in its remit and content. In part, she has managed this because, in addition to being an academic researcher, Boucher is a trained speech and language therapist, and has a wealth of clinical experience as a result. This experience is, arguably, what distinguishes this book from others in the field. When Boucher writes about clinical and practical issues surrounding the care and treatment of people with ASD her experience and authority are palpable...In sum, I highly recommend this book for students of psychology (I have just ordered several copies for my University library!), be it those interested in clinical practice or academic research, as well for those involved in more vocational courses, and carers of people with ASD'
David Williams
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
'The author of this excellent new book states in the preface that she intended to "provide an account of autism that people with little or no specialist knowledge will find comprehensible and digestible, but which at the same time offers more advanced readers a clear summary of existing knowledge ". In my opinion, she has achieved her stated goal, in a most impressive volume which does justice to the complexity of the subject covered, without being over-long or alienating the less knowledgeable reader. This is no mean feat, as the book covers topics as disparate as the potential genetic cause of autism and the principle of inclusive care as applied to people with autism. The result is a handbook which I would have no hesitation in recommending to an intelligent parent of a child with autism, a teacher, and undergraduate student or a clinical trainee. In fact, I feel that this book has something to offer even a supposed "expert" in the study of autism since it so neatly synthesises historic and current understanding of the condition... a thoughtfully written book, which makes a modern, through and readable account of a complex and intriguing condition'
Dr Sue Fletcher-Watson
Newcastle University
'Current views are presented with lessons learned from the past and hope for future positive outcomes. It is written in a very accessible style for a wide audience of teachers, students, parents and professionals...this book holds something for all who share a curiosity in the fascinating topic of autistic spectrum disorders'
- Geraldine Hayes, REACH