The Awakening (Dragon Heart Legacy Series #1)
"In the realm of Talamh, a teenage warrior named Keegan emerges from a lake holding a sword--representing both power and the terrifying responsibility to protect the Fey. In another realm known as Philadelphia, a young woman has just discovered she possesses a treasure of her own ... When Breen Kelly was a girl, her father would tell her stories of magical places. Now she's an anxious twentysomething mired in student debt and working a job she hates. But one day she stumbles upon a shocking discovery: her mother has been hiding an investment account in her name. It has been funded by her long-lost father--and it's worth nearly four million dollars. This newfound fortune would be life-changing for anyone. But little does Breen know that when she uses some of the money to journey to Ireland, it will unlock mysteries she couldn't have imagined"--
The Awakening (Dragon Heart Legacy Series #1)
"In the realm of Talamh, a teenage warrior named Keegan emerges from a lake holding a sword--representing both power and the terrifying responsibility to protect the Fey. In another realm known as Philadelphia, a young woman has just discovered she possesses a treasure of her own ... When Breen Kelly was a girl, her father would tell her stories of magical places. Now she's an anxious twentysomething mired in student debt and working a job she hates. But one day she stumbles upon a shocking discovery: her mother has been hiding an investment account in her name. It has been funded by her long-lost father--and it's worth nearly four million dollars. This newfound fortune would be life-changing for anyone. But little does Breen know that when she uses some of the money to journey to Ireland, it will unlock mysteries she couldn't have imagined"--
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The Awakening (Dragon Heart Legacy Series #1)

The Awakening (Dragon Heart Legacy Series #1)

by Nora Roberts
The Awakening (Dragon Heart Legacy Series #1)

The Awakening (Dragon Heart Legacy Series #1)

by Nora Roberts


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"In the realm of Talamh, a teenage warrior named Keegan emerges from a lake holding a sword--representing both power and the terrifying responsibility to protect the Fey. In another realm known as Philadelphia, a young woman has just discovered she possesses a treasure of her own ... When Breen Kelly was a girl, her father would tell her stories of magical places. Now she's an anxious twentysomething mired in student debt and working a job she hates. But one day she stumbles upon a shocking discovery: her mother has been hiding an investment account in her name. It has been funded by her long-lost father--and it's worth nearly four million dollars. This newfound fortune would be life-changing for anyone. But little does Breen know that when she uses some of the money to journey to Ireland, it will unlock mysteries she couldn't have imagined"--

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781250770486
Publisher: St. Martin''s Publishing Group
Publication date: 10/05/2021
Pages: 464
Product dimensions: 5.20(w) x 8.10(h) x 1.30(d)

About the Author

About The Author
"I need to write to be happy." That explains why Nora Roberts, aka J.D. Robb, has a career that spans more than 35 years. She started writing as a stay-at-home mom, resulting in Irish Thoroughbred (1981). Its lead characters are vastly different from those later in her career, like the archetypal, multi-dimensional stars of her long-running In Death series: Lieutenant Eve Dallas and Roarke. The futuristic romantic suspense novels revolve around a brilliant but socially inept homicide detective and her husband, a reformed thief and the wealthiest and most enlightened man on Earth. Given the series' longevity and popularity, it's surprising that it has won Roberts just one of her 16 Rita Awards. The prodigious author also opened a historic bed and breakfast in Maryland.


Keedysville, Maryland

Date of Birth:


Place of Birth:

Silver Spring, Maryland
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