Shawn HughesShawn Hughes is an admitted card-carrying nerd. Shawn’s spent the majority of his life in dogged devotion to Public Safety. He’s held the majority of the positions in a Law Enforcement and / or Security agency starting at age 18. He has been a Full Time State Certified Police Officer, Patrol Supervisor, Bomb Technician, Entry Team Assaulter, Crime Scene Technician and Field Training Officer. He managed to include his love for radios and electronics into Public Safety, serving as a Technical Surveillance Officer conducting surveillance and counter surveillance for multiple entities; local, State and Federal. As a Licensed Armed Security Officer, he has protected high risk / high consequence facilities, provided executive protection, and been responsible for securing a military base and another large facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.Outside of direct Public Safety work, Shawn has been a prolific writer, authoring several books and paid magazine articles for major periodicals such as the peer reviewed Jane’s Police, the Detonator (International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators), the Tactical Edge (National Tactical Officers’ Association), and familiar places such as the Police Marksman, Calibre Press, S.W.A.T, Police, and many, many others. He was a featured writer at, arguably the largest presence for law enforcement on the web, and the sole explosives / WMD expert at also has conducted training across the country and consulted with many agencies and corporations. He wrote the improvised explosive device training module for a Federal Police Department. His additions, amplifications and corrections were implemented in the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers’ explosives distance learning courses and the US Department of Homeland Security’s National Response Plan for Radiological Dispersion Device & Improvised Nuclear Device Incidents. His model Standard Operating Procedure for response to suspicious packages was a handout at the Anniston Center for Domestic Preparedness.As a radio guy, Shawn has helped build two commercial broadcast radio stations, repaired and maintained hundreds of radios, taught people regarding them, and holds multiple Federal licenses.Shawn lives near Oak Ridge, Tennessee and is available for training, lectures, and appearances.