Table of Contents
List of Contributors xiii
Introduction Philip Clayton 1
Religion and Science Across the World's Traditions 5
Hinduism and Science Sangeetha Menon 7
Buddhism and Science B. Alan Wallace 24
Judaism and Science Norbert M. Samuelson 41
Christianity and Science John Polkinghorne 57
Islam and Science Seyyed Hossein Nasr 71
Indigenous Lifeways and Knowing the World John Grim 87
Religious Naturalism and Science Willem B. Drees 108
Atheism and Science Peter Atkins 124
Conceiving Religion in Light of the Contemporary Sciences 137
Cosmology and Religion Bernard Carr 139
Fundamental Physics and Religion Kirk Wegter-McNelly 156
Molecular Biology and Religion Martinez Hewlett 172
Evolutionary Theory and Religious Belief Jeffrey P. Schloss 187
Ecology and Religion Susan Power Bratton 207
Neurophenomenology and Contemplative Experience Evan Thompson 226
Psychology, the Human Sciences, andReligion Raymond F. Paloutzian 236
Sociology and Religion Richard Fenn 253
Anthropology and Religion Michael Lambek 271
The Major Fields of Religion / Science 291
Contributions from the History of Science and Religion John Hedley Brooke 293
Contributions from the Social Sciences Robert A. Segal 311
Contributions from the Philosophy of Science Robin Collins 328
Contributions from Philosophical Theology and Metaphysics Joseph A. Bracken, SJ 345
Contributions from Systematic Theology Wolfhart Pannenberg 359
Contributions from Practical Theology and Ethics Ted Peters 372
Contributions from Spirituality: Simplicity-Complexity-Simplicity Pauline M. Rudd 388
Methodological Approaches to the Study of Religion and Science 405
The Scientific Landscape of Religion: Evolution, Culture, and Cognition Scott Atran 407
Varieties of Naturalism Owen Flanagan 430
Interpreting Science from the Standpoint of Whiteheadian Process Philosophy David Ray Griffin 453
Anglo-American Post-modernity and the End of Theology-Science Dialogue? Nancey Murphy 472
Trinitarian Faith Seeking Transformative Understanding F. LeRon Shults 488
Religious Experience, Cognitive Science, and the Future of Religion Phillip H. Wiebe 503
Toward a Comprehensive Integration of Science and Religion: A Post-metaphysical Approach Sean Esbjorn-Hargens Ken Wilber 523
Central Theoretical Debates in Religion and Science 547
'Science and Religion' or 'Theology and Science'? 549
Science and Theology: Their Relation at the Beginning of the Third Millenium Michael Welker 551
Religion-and-Science Philip Hefner 562
Science, Theology, and Divine Action 577
Quantum Physics and the Theology of Non-Interventionist Objective Divine Action Robert John Russell 579
Theologies of Divine Action Thomas F. Tracy 596
Ground-of-Being Theologies Wesley J. Wildman 612
Panentheism and its Critics 633
The Potential of Panentheism for Dialogue between Science and Religion Michael W. Brierley 635
Problems in Panentheism Owen C. Thomas 652
Evolution, Creation, and Belief in God 665
Evolution, Religion, and Science William B. Provine 667
Darwinism Alister E. McGrath 681
God and Evolution John F. Haught 697
Intelligent Design and its Critics 713
In Defence of Intelligent Design William A. Dembski 715
The Pre-modern Sins of Intelligent Design Robert T. Pennock 732
Theologies of Emergent Complexity and their Critics 749
Physics, Complexity, and the Science-Religion Debate George F. R. Ellis 751
Emergence and Complexity Niels Henrik Gregersen 767
Emergence, Theology, and the Manifest Image Michael Silberstein 784
The Hidden Battles over Emergence Carl Gillett 801
Feminist Approaches 819
Going Public: Feminist Epistemologies, Hannah Arendt, and the Science-and-Religion Discourse Lisa L. Stenmark 821
Feminist Perspectives in Medicine and Bioethics Ann Pederson 836
Human Nature and Ethics 851
The Sacred Emergence of Nature Ursula Goodenough Terrence W. Deacon 853
Science, Ethics, and the Human Spirit William B. Hurlbut 872
Values Issues in Religion and Science 889
Theology, Ecology, and Values Celia Deane-Drummond 891
Environmental Ethics and Religion/Science Holmes Rolston III 908
Biotechnology and the Religion-Science Discussion Ronald Cole-Turner 929
Relations between Homo sapiens and Other Animals: Scientific and Religious Arguments Nancy R. Howell 945
Concluding Reflections: Dover Beach Revisited Mary Midgley 962
Index 979