Ron Bristow was born October 22, 1957 in Paris, Texas to parents Samuel D. Bristow Jr. and Joyce J. Hatcher Bristow. His childhood consisted of being constantly on the move from one city, and one state, to another until the age of seventeen. He attributes the mobile lifestyle to his father’s wanderlust.
“My father was a man with itchy feet,” he reported, “He couldn’t seem to settle in one place very long. He was a firm believer the grass was always greener on the other side. I came to understand later in life it was not the greener grass which caused his restlessness, but the thrill of the search. He was a Truck Driver, Farm Worker, Ranch Hand, General Contractor, Restaurant Owner, Logger, etc. He was a man with rare intelligence although he never made it past the eighth grade in school. He believed the classroom was important for an educational foundation, but nothing could teach a man better than world experience. I have lived long enough to know he was right more times than he was wrong.”
Ron’s experiences and lifestyle has mirrored that of his father. He has been a Truck Driver, Plant Worker, Logger, Police Officer, Security Officer, Soldier, Bounty Hunter, Preacher, News Paper Reporter, and now; Author.
He and his wife Rhonda were married in June of 1985 and have made their home in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas, where they have lived since 2004.
Ron has two siblings; Rachel, who is eight years younger, and Sam who is twelve years younger.
Concerning his writing, he said; “I wanted to tell a story that was difficult to ignore. One which so closely paralleled reality it would be hard to deny the possibilities. I believe this story accomplishes that goal. It incorporates enough real life events with enough fictional accounts to cause the reader to pause in his reading to contemplate the possibilities and ask the question, “What if?” If the story provokes thought and response, I have accomplished something all Authors desire; to write a story which will remain in readers head long after they have finished reading it.”
An interesting fact about the book is; most of the first part was written between March and December of 2011, and many of the events described became reality in 2012 by the time the book was copyrighted and published.