The Vampyre
"The Vampyre" is a short story written by John William Polidori and is a progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction. The work is described by Christopher Frayling as "the first story successfully to fuse the disparate elements of vampirism into a coherent literary genre." Polidori's work had an immense impact on contemporary sensibilities and ran through numerous editions and translations
The Vampyre
"The Vampyre" is a short story written by John William Polidori and is a progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction. The work is described by Christopher Frayling as "the first story successfully to fuse the disparate elements of vampirism into a coherent literary genre." Polidori's work had an immense impact on contemporary sensibilities and ran through numerous editions and translations
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The Vampyre
36The Vampyre
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Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781627552301 |
Publisher: | Wilder Publications, Inc. |
Publication date: | 07/12/2013 |
Sold by: | Barnes & Noble |
Format: | eBook |
Pages: | 36 |
File size: | 765 KB |
About the Author
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