Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology / Edition 4

Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology / Edition 4

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McGraw-Hill Companies, The
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McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology / Edition 4

Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology / Edition 4


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Drawing from a wide selection of classic and contemporary works, the 58 selections in this best-selling reader represent a plurality of voices and views within sociology. In addition to classic works by authors such as Karl Marx, Max Weber, C. Wright Mills, David Rosenhan, Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore, this anthology presents a wide range of contemporary scholarship, some of which provides new treatments of traditional concepts. By integrating issues of diversity throughout the book, Ferguson helps students see the inter-relationships of race, social class, and gender, and the ways in which they have shaped the experiences of all people in society.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780072878998
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date: 07/23/2004
Edition description: Older Edition
Pages: 704
Product dimensions: 6.30(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.10(d)

Table of Contents

* = New to this edition



1. C. Wright Mills, The Promise--classic piece on the sociological imagination

*2. Kathyrn Edin and Maria Kefalas, Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage—applying the sociological imagination to single motherhood

3. Mary Romero, An Intersection of Biography and History: My Intellectual Journey--applying the sociological imagination to domestic service

Social Research

4. Michael Schwalbe, Finding Out How the Social World Works--a summary of what it means to be sociologically mindful

5. Craig Haney, W. Curtis Banks, and Philip G. Zimbardo, Interpersonal Dynamics in a Simulated Prison--classic piece on the research design of Zimbardo's famous experiment

*6. Mitchell Duneier, Sidewalk--an ethnographic study of street vendors in New York City


*7. Barry Glassner, The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Fear the Wrong Things--one perspective of American culture

8. Anne M. Velliquette and Jeff B. Murray, The New Tattoo Subculture --the tattoo subculture and meanings of body adornment

9. Yen Le Espiritu, The Racial Construction of Asian American Women and Men--an examination of racist and sexist stereotypes in U.S. culture

10. Haunani-Kay Trask, Lovely Hula Hands: Corporate Tourism and the Prostitution of Hawaiian Culture--an examination of cultural commodification and exploitation


11. Judith Lorber, "Night to His Day": The Social Construction of Gender--the socialization of gender identity

12. Robert Granfield, Making It By Faking It: Working-Class Students in an Elite Academic Environment--working class identity and law school socialization

*13. Jacqueline Lewis, Learning to Strip: The Socialization Experiences of Exotic Dancers--how exotic dancers are socialized to their work

14. Gwynne Dyer, Anybody's Son Will Do--resocialization into the total institution of the military


15. Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler, Peer Power: Clique Dynamics among School Children--a study of the structure and interactional dynamics among groups of school children

16. Martin Sanchez Jankowski, Gang Business--a functional analysis of a primary group

*17. Christine L. Williams, Shopping as Symbolic Interaction: Race, Class, and Gender in the Toy Store--a study of secondary group relationships and social interaction

18. Mark Colvin, Descent Into Madness: The New Mexico State Prison Riot--an example of social structure breaking down


19. David L. Rosenhan, On Being Sane in Insane Places--classic piece on labeling and social deviance

20. Penelope E. McLorg and Diane E. Taub, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: The Development of Deviant Identities--the social construction of deviant identities

21. Philippe Bourgois, In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio--an ethnographic study of drug dealing in the inner-city

22. A. Ayres Boswell and Joan Z. Spade, Fraternities and Collegiate Rape Culture: Why Are Some Fraternities More Dangerous Places for Women?--the social organization of crime


Social Class

23. Kingsley Davis, Wilbert E. Moore, and Melvin Tumin, Some Principles of Stratification --classic piece on the functions of social stratification

24. G. William Domhoff, Who Rules America?: The Corporate Community and the Upper Class--the lifestyles and social institutions of the upper class

*25. Thomas M. Shapiro, The Hidden Cost of Being African American: How Wealth Perpetuates Inequality--an examination of social class and racial differences in wealth

26. Barbara Ehrenreich, Nickel-and-Dimed on (Not) Getting by in America--an exploration of the lives of the working poor


27. Barbara Risman, Gender as Structure--a review of four theories that explain sex and gender

*28. Betsy Lucal, What It Means to Be Gendered Me: Life on the Boundaries of a Dichotomous Gender System--one woman's experiences with gender identity and interaction

*29. Nancy Lesko, Our Guys/Good Guys: Playing with High School Privilege and Power--an examination of male-dominated athletics and school culture

*30. Meika Loe, Working at Bazooms: The Intersection of Power, Gender, and Sexuality--an investigation of gender and sexuality in the workplace

Race and Ethnicity

*31. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, “New Racism,” Color-Blind Racism, and the Future of Whiteness in America--the persistence of whiteness and racial inequality in America

32. Jennifer Lee and Frank D. Bean, Beyond Black and White: Remaking Race in America--how race is measured by the U.S. government

33. Charlie LeDuff, At a Slaughterhouse, Some Things Never Die--an examination of the racial dynamics at one workplace site

*34. Katherin M. Flower Kim, Out of Sorts: Adoption and (Un)Desirable Children--how race and racism influence adoption decisions


Power and Politics

35. C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite--classic piece on the power elite

36. Dan Clawson, Alan Neustadtl,and Mark Weller, Dollars and Votes: How Business Campaign Contributions Subvert Democracy--an application of Mills' power elite

*37. Charles Derber, One World Under Business--the financial dynamics and politics of globalization

Mass Media

38. Todd Gitlin, Media Unlimited: How the Torrent of Images and Sounds Overwhelms Our Lives--the globalization of American media

39. Gregory Mantsios, Media Magic: Making Class Invisible--how the mass media distorts social class

*40. Karen Sternheimer, It's Not the Media: The Truth About Pop Culture's Influence on Children--an examination of media violence and its effects on children

The Economy and Work

41. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Manifesto of the Communist Party--classic piece on the relationship between the capitalists and the workers

42. Robin Leidner, Over the Counter: McDonald's--an ethnographic study of the routinization of work

43. Arlie Russell Hochschild, The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work--how individuals combine their work and home lives


44. Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism--classic piece on the influence of religion on the economy

45. Mark Chaves, Abiding Faith--the current status of religion among Americans

*46. Russell Shorto, Faith at Work--how some Christians are bringing faith into the workplace

Health and Medicine

*47. Jonathan Oberlander, The U.S. Health Care System: On a Road to Nowhere?--a critical review of the U.S. institution of medicine

*48. Eric Klinenberg, Dying Alone: The Social Production of Urban Isolation--the health consequences of the 1995 Chicago heat wave

49. David A. Karp, Illness and Identity--an interview study of people with depression


50. Mary Crow Dog and Richard Erdoes, Civilize Them With A Stick--education as an institution of social control

*51. Jonathan Kozol, Still Separate, Still Unequal: America's Educational Apartheid--racial segregation in American schools

52. Ann Arnett Ferguson, Bad Boys: Public Schools in the Making of Black Masculinity--racial and gender stereotyping in American schools

The Family

*53. Andrew J. Cherlin, The Deinstitutionalization of American Marriage--an examination of the weakening of social norms in the institution of marriage

54. Ann Crittendon, The Mommy Tax--the income discrimination faced by working mothers

*55. Annette Lareau, Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life--a study of social class differences in parenting and child rearing in African American and white families


*56. Joel Best, Social Progress and Social Problems: Toward A Sociology of Gloom--the paradoxical relationship between social progress and social problems

*57. George Ritzer, The McDonaldization of Society--a contemporary theory of social change

*58. D. Stanley Eitzen, The Atrophy of Social Life--how social isolation is affecting society

*59. Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello, and Brendan Smith, Globalization and Social Movements --an overview of social movements and globalization

60. Allan G. Johnson, What Can We Do? Becoming a Part of the Solution--social change strategies to deal with privilege and oppression
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