Table of Contents
Trekking the shore, harvesting the sea: changing coastlines and the antiquity of coastal settlement. Nuno Bicho, Jonathan Haws and Loren G. Davis
Part I: North America and Eurasia
Chapter 1. The North American Paleocoastal Concept Reconsidered. Loren Davis
Chapter 2. Prehistoric Archaeology Underwater: A Nascent Subdiscipline Critical to Understanding Early Coastal Occupations and Migration Routes. Amy Gusick and Michael Faught
Chapter 3. Early Environments and Archaeology of Coastal British Columbia. Quentin Mackie, Daryl Fedje, Duncan McLaren, Nicole Smith and Iain McKechnie
Chapter 4. Blessing the Salmon: Archaeological Evidences of the Transition to Intensive Fishing in the Final Paleolithic, Maritime Region, Russian Far East. Andrei V. Tabarev
Chapter 5. Early Technological Organization along the Eastern Pacific Rim of the New World: A co-continental view. Samuel C. Willis and Matthew Des Lauriers
Chapter 6. Technology, mobility, and adaptation among early foragers of the southern Northwest Coast: The view from Indian Sands, southern Oregon coast, USA. Loren G. Davis and Samuel C. Willis
Chapter 7. Of Clams and Clovis: Isla Cedros, Baja California, Mexico. Matt Des Lauriers
Chapter 8. Changes in the molluscan exploitation patterns during the late Pleisene and early Holocene in the eastern Cantabria (Spain). F. Igor Gutiérrez Zugasti
Chapter 9. Paleolithic seascapes along the west coast of Portugal. Jonathan Haws, Caroline L. Funk, Michael B. Benedetti, Nuno F. Bicho, J. Michael Daniels, Thomas A. Minckley, Rhawn F. Denniston, Marjeta Jeraj, Juan F. Gibaja and Bryan S. Hockett
Chapter 10. Small-game and marine resource exploitation by Neanderthals: The evidence from Gibraltar. Kimberly Brown, Darren A. Fa, Geraldine Finlayson and Clive Finlayson
Chapter 11. Prying new meaning from limpet harvesting at Vale Boi during the Upper Paleolithic. Tiina Manne and Nuno Bicho
Chapter 12. Surf and Turf: The use of marine and terrestrial resources in the Early Neolithic of costal southern Portugal. Rebecca Dean and António Carvalho
Part II: South America, Africa and Oceania
Chapter 13. Sea lions and human populations in Southern Patagonia, Sebastián Muñoz
Chapter 14. The Use of the Space in Pampean Atlantic Coast (Argentina, South America): A Comparative View, Mariano Bonomo
Chapter 15. Coastal Resources and the Early Holocene Las Vegas Adaptation of Ecuador. Karen Stothert
Chapter 16. Initial investigations into the exploitation of coastal resources in North Africa during the Late Pleisene at Grotte des Contrebandiers, Morocco. Teresa Steele and Esteban Álvarez-Fernández.
Chapter 17. Shellfishing and the interpretation of shellfish sizes in the Middle and Later Stone Ages of South Africa. Judith Sealy and Mariagrazia Galimberti
Chapter 18. Coastal South Africa and the co-evolution of the modern human lineage and coastal adaptations. Curtis W. Marean
Chapter 19. Coastal Foragers on Southern Shores: Marine Resource Use in Northeast Australia since the Late Pleisene. Sean Ulm
Chapter 20. The role of marine resources in the diet of pre-colonial Aboriginal people and land use patterns around Port Jackson, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Val Attenbrow