In a world fi lled with ever greater confl ict, the Avengers' Unity Squad has a bigger job than ever! The elderly Steve Rogers has assembled a new roster aimed at promoting peace between humans, mutants...and Inhumans! Spider-Man, Rogue, the Human Torch, Quicksilver, Doctor Voodoo and the Inhuman known as Synapse all make the cut - as does Deadpool! But what role exactly does Wade Wilson play in encouraging inter-species harmony? As Boston faces devastation, the all-new Uncanny Avengers fight a world gone mad, and the final member of the team makes a bloody entrance! But how far can Steve's squad go in achieving unity when some of them can't even work together? And seriously - Deadpool? An Avenger? Prepare to believe!
In a world fi lled with ever greater confl ict, the Avengers' Unity Squad has a bigger job than ever! The elderly Steve Rogers has assembled a new roster aimed at promoting peace between humans, mutants...and Inhumans! Spider-Man, Rogue, the Human Torch, Quicksilver, Doctor Voodoo and the Inhuman known as Synapse all make the cut - as does Deadpool! But what role exactly does Wade Wilson play in encouraging inter-species harmony? As Boston faces devastation, the all-new Uncanny Avengers fight a world gone mad, and the final member of the team makes a bloody entrance! But how far can Steve's squad go in achieving unity when some of them can't even work together? And seriously - Deadpool? An Avenger? Prepare to believe!
Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 1: Lost Future
152Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 1: Lost Future
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Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9780785196150 |
Publisher: | Marvel Enterprises, Inc. |
Publication date: | 05/03/2016 |
Pages: | 152 |
Product dimensions: | 6.75(w) x 10.25(h) x 0.25(d) |
Age Range: | 9 - 18 Years |