Unity follows the tale of Rinne, an ascended human that is forced to hide from her previous life. After an encounter with the leader of her path Rinne escapes from her home to follow another ascended being to safety. Unwittingly, Rinne's actions bring forth a great army, seeking to destroy all ascended beings and their target is her new home. Rinne finds herself thrust into action where she will do anything to protect those she has endangered and make the decision whether or not to take the life of those that seek to kill her.
Unity follows the tale of Rinne, an ascended human that is forced to hide from her previous life. After an encounter with the leader of her path Rinne escapes from her home to follow another ascended being to safety. Unwittingly, Rinne's actions bring forth a great army, seeking to destroy all ascended beings and their target is her new home. Rinne finds herself thrust into action where she will do anything to protect those she has endangered and make the decision whether or not to take the life of those that seek to kill her.
Unity: Book One of Ascension
Unity: Book One of Ascension
Product Details
BN ID: | 2940152545371 |
Publisher: | David S Croxford |
Publication date: | 12/26/2015 |
Series: | Ascension |
Sold by: | Smashwords |
Format: | eBook |
File size: | 232 KB |