Read an Excerpt
Unlocking The Consciousness of Your Soul
By Terry L Newbegin
Balboa Press
Copyright © 2012 Terry L Newbegin
All right reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-5866-0
Chapter One
Opening Up To Your Soul
The consensus of my soul is that we have been journeying through time and space for a long time, and now it is time for us to wake-up from our sleep and see how our beliefs, and those in power, have been lying to us. The lie is about us being only human, being unworthy of God's miracles, that we are sinners, that we need supervision, and about prayer. Praying, according to my soul, is a mental and emotional activity of the rational mind that says that we don't have it within ourselves to know and understand who we truly are at the human level, which is generally why prayers go unanswered, and why we don't heal.
My dear friends what Jesus mentioned over two thousand years ago was not about Him coming for your salvation. It was about the real you suddenly coming out from behind your own ignorance because the mystery of God can no longer be hidden from you. Your soul is now willing to lay out God's covert plan for you to see. All that is left is your willingness to take the leap in consciousness to see it.
For instance: When we look at something, anything, even our physical body, what we do not see is how it all splits up in to infinite possibilities, all of which exists simultaneously in other dimensions. We even have other etheric bodies in those many dimensions that are very healthy and know how to create miracles for us, and all that we have to do is bring them into our current reality; because reality is only energy in motion, therefore it is an illusion.
Most of you believe that God is a white, male personality unto himself, who created all things, including mankind; your soul, and that He lives in a heavenly place that is far from your reach. However, God is closer than you think. Religions, your parents, and governments have been lying to you for centuries about God's true identity, and where he lives. Of course, it was all done on an unconscious level.
You see, we have been trained to function in a certain way that tells us that we are only human, and that is why we understand matter or material substance as all that there is because of the way we perceive it. My dear friends, God is not a mystery, and He never was, for God's greatest secret is that we, as humans, are God, for the real God is our soul in disguise!
Now, let me make myself clear! The mystery of God and how we look at our physicality was introduced to us a long time ago by religion, science, and our governments (rulers) because of where we were in understanding ourselves and the world around us. However, it was appropriate for its time since the belief gave us stability and moral direction. Nevertheless, we have grown in consciousness since then because what we describe as God today is actually the consciousness of our soul and "all that we are" at all levels of our existence.
You see, the "human you," which is nothing but the ego personality disguised in the flesh, helps you blend into your environment without you knowing "who you truly are." It is your human ego and your rational mind that supports the feeling of being separate from your soul, from everyone else, and from everything that surrounds you, including your understanding of being solid.
My fellow searchers, your physical body is not as solid as you think, and this was proven by Einstein himself and other physicists. We all know that the physical body and physical reality is not real. In truth, it appears that you are both solid and non-solid, and therefore it becomes a question of how you perceive your ability to view your reality.
Reality only behaves according to universal laws and your perception of things because your higher divine mind is non-physical and non- mental, and therefore not subject to universal laws or physicality, which is very important for you to understand. The illusion of physicality allows the disguised human ego to express a belief in something that actually causes it to feel real so you can experience it. That's all!
By allowing the disguised human ego to feel separate from your soul and higher, divine mind, your soul gains the wisdom of your experiences at the human level, both good and bad. Once the human ego formulated this separateness from your soul and that of universal divine mind eons ago, the human ego ultimately became limited only to the belief systems of group consciousness and what you picked up through your experiences as you journeyed through time and space in many physical bodies.
Now, the question is how do you open up and reconnect to your soul and to this higher universal divine mind, for, my dear friends, your soul is the Christ you seek.
Now, I do not mean to confuse you here, but the truth is that God is really a Goddess. God is just a symbol of your connection to universal divine mind and to the wisdom of your soul. You see, what gives the universal, divine mind life, or life to God if you will, is your spirit consciousness, the Goddess. This concept will be explained more as you read on in the book but for now allow my soul to continue.
The only way to open up and reconnect to your soul consciousness is for you to connect to your wisdom and to the Christ that you are. How do you do that? You do it by the human you raising its vibrational signature to meet up with your soul's vibrational signature. It would be like your physical body traveling less than the speed of light and your soul traveling at the speed of light.
So, if you learn to raise your human consciousness to a higher level, you then reconnect to your soul that is traveling at the speed of light. To do this, you have to have the courage to let go of all of your beliefs, everything that you have been taught by your parents, teachers, and especially your religion. By letting go of your beliefs you will find the greatest truths. Once you move into your divine or Christ consciousness, you can actually move faster than the speed of light.
For example: The human rational mind is nothing but the center for mental impressions that are only based on opinion and thought patterns that carries within them a dense impenetrable intellectual vibrational energy signature that only perceives you as a human who is unworthy of being a divine expression of the Spirit of One. This is why you suffer and create the things you experience in life.
This dense, impenetrable, intellectual energy signature is of a mental process that deals only with rational thought, analyzing, duality, judgment, emotions, and the belief that intelligence only comes from education, and of the mind. However, what we are not aware of in what we perceive as our mind is that this is actually a mental version of a mind that we identify as real. My dear friends, we, in truth, have no mind. What we do have is our connection to universal divine mind or what we all happen to call God.
You see, you have forgotten that the universe is not really solid but is nothing but a mental manifestation, and therefore not truly real. So, what you consider as your mind is nothing more than your brain, for the brain belongs to this world of duality and that of flesh, which is why you have a left and right brain hemisphere. Therefore, the only way for you to overcome this dense energy dualistic signature of a mental nature is by way of self-generated masked personality-aspects of you that consist of many storied lifetimes where your soul cloths them with a physical body.
This process allows your soul to journey through time and space in many different lifetimes creating stories for you to learn and understand life, responsibility, and how to overcome the forces of duality. Once this is understood from the human level then the chaos and confusion that you are experiencing today is finally removed. Hence, no more suffering, just great miracles.
Why no more suffering? It is because your consciousness can move faster than the speed of light, which then allows you to bring into expressions those potentials of joy, health, and abundance. All that it takes is trusting in yourself as a divine being and a true creator God in your own right, leaving behind all of what you have been taught by your parents, your religious leaders, and your government.
Since us humans have collectively agreed that everything around us is real and solid, including a God that created us, the belief in it causes it to feel real even though it is all an illusion, a hologram that we take as being solid and real. The illusion of us feeling separated from our soul has allowed the soul to gain overwhelming wisdom through the experiencing of many lifetimes playing with the belief of positive and negative as being real.
Because we chose separation and duality over our divine state long ago (illustrated by Adam and Eve), we, as in all humans, created our world in a way that defines us today. Thus everything we see in this world, together with good, bad, sin, religion, and our governmental societies, we have helped participate in their creation, even though we may not be conscious of it from the human level. Even the battles of many wars throughout history, the human ego of today helped create them.
For Instance: When we chose to separate our soul's divine nature, the Christ self, to a human belief in duality, we changed our energy frequency signature into what is called today light and dark, and then on to good and evil. Once we began to experiment with the dark side of this dual energy, we began to fear it. (Adam and Eve's eating of the apple is the metaphorical example of it). This fear was so great that we wanted to move back into our divine state again.
However, it was too late! Our belief in this dualistic energy at the time was too strong for us to return home to our "I AM Divine State." So, we had to move forward. Hence, our "soul's consciousness of a divine state" and our creation of a "consciousness of a mental state" became integrated into a mental perception of us having a rational mind that now carries the forces of positive and negative. And now, both our "divine state and our mental perception of positive and negative," has become the essence of our total being – for they are now as "one consciousness."
It took your soul (icon for Christ), your part in universal mind (icon for God), and self-awareness to move you outside of your "soul consciousness of a divine state" and into an outer superficial mental consciousness (human) that held a belief in duality as the means to understand life, good and bad, right and wrong, and to answer the question, "Who am I?" It was the masked human ego, represented by the serpent in the Garden, that has made it possible for you to move beyond your divine state and into a two and three-dimensional body and on a three-dimensional planet for the testing of positive and negative (the eating of the apple).
My dear friends, it was perfect because it gave your soul, by way of the human ego, an avenue to explore all the unknown principles of duality because it brings to you the understanding of responsibility, the wisdom of understanding your choices, and it helps to identify you as a true Christ in your own right. The old saying that "God knows all things" cannot ring true enough without the masked human ego participating in choosing duality and physical earth as a means to appreciate and understand all things, including joy, pain, and suffering.
You see, in the beginning of our earthly life a long time ago, when we feared the forces of the wind, fire, cold, rain, the sun, and the air we breathed, especially when those elements of nature became harmful and damaging, it reflected back to us our dark creations because we, in our mental and emotional state, had no way to control any of them. So, in order to appease these wild and uncontrollable forces, we began to call them gods.
From that point we, all humans, began to offer these gods sacrifices, believing that we would be saved from their fury and the intense viciousness that they brought. However, as time passed, we learned that our sacrifices did not work, for our dark creations kept on haunting us thereby evoking those dark and fearful creations to come to us again but in a much stronger force than before, especially our emotions of guilt, shame, unworthiness, and that we are prone to do bad and evil things.
The more we pushed our dark creations out of our head, especially the darker ones, the more the dark forces pushed back at us, eventually becoming our human beastly nature, which religions happen to call the devil. Because of seeing ourselves as a victim, we began to deny these dark emotions within ourselves to the point of projecting them onto others, blaming them for our failures and the way we felt. This blaming game created a force of responsibility and accountability (sowing and reaping in the Bible), where in the end, the hurt inside of us began to be expressed within our light creations, thereby distorting even our light creations as well.
For Instance: Love, trust, and that we are the creator of our experiences, became confusing and difficult to understand as it led to the distortion of our light creations. Thus ushering into our life experiences, where love, trust, power, and our ability to create, became very limited. Therefore, not only did we avoid our dark creations at all cost, we reluctantly moved toward our light creations with even greater caution thus seeking counsel because we feared them as much as our dark creations.
This all led to where we began to deny half of who we were, creating such a strong emotion of sin it led to the perception that we were small, powerless, limited, and unworthy, a sinner that is in need of a savior. So, soon thereafter, we, all humans acting as one, created religion as our counsel to give us advice and support. Religion then became our next belief system in attempting to explain where we came from, who created us, and why do we create bad things.
That is when we concluded that we were imperfect thus calling our dark creations evil thereby banning them as sins against God, which religion said was our creator. This meant that we literally banned half of who we truly are, which caused us to become out of balance. Then we began to hide our dark creations (sins) and did everything within our power to control them because we wanted to be accepted by society, our family, and that we belonged somewhere, like to some religion that held the same beliefs, values, and concerns.
It was religion that told us that these dark creations would send us into a hell of fire forever, creating such a fear approach to our belief systems, we soon became locked into a consciousness that good is something that comes from God, and all that is bad and evil comes from the Devil. That is when religion realized they could join up with kings, rulers, and governments to control us, using fear and punishment as the foundation for their power.
Because of our soul's divine state of persistence, and its resolution to remember, we, the group collective consciousness of the mass, unconsciously agreed that we desired another chance to remember our true "I AM" identity. Hence, deep within our soul, our desire to remember remained, thus allowing Jesus to appear on earth to tell us who we were.
However, because of Jesus being killed, it meant that his presence on earth and his message was not accepted by mankind. And yet, Jesus' presence on earth had planted the Christ seed deep within our soul's consciousness, telling us that we are more than what we think, which took more than two thousand years before its germination took hold within our outer superficial human mental consciousness.
My fellow searchers, you are the master artist of your life – for you are the mystery and the secret behind God and her world of miracles, and these miracles exists only through you and not Jesus, which is why you are the only one that can bring them into your life. Your human experiences are truly a work of art and now, it is time to allow your soul to unlock the secrets deep within your consciousness.
However, to become a true master, like Jesus, in your own right and a bringer of many miracles to experience, you must remember "who you truly are," "where you truly came from," and "let go of your human belief that you are only human," and that you only came from your parents – for this is your soul's untold story as much as it is mine. Once you awaken to the masked human ego, to your Spirit, to your Soul, to your connection to Universal Divine Mind, and to your human personality-aspects from past lifetimes, and integrate them as "one body of consciousness," you will become a true master in your own right just like Jesus did.
Your soul has been waiting for the human ego for a long time to evolve in consciousness to where you, while in the flesh, understand that the truth about who you truly are lies in understanding that you have no mind because all thoughts come from a mental disposition, including from your past lifetimes. It is just that you are missing from being conscious of "who you truly are" because of being too busy worshipping your mental perception of a mind and a God that is not real.
Excerpted from Unlocking The Consciousness of Your Soul by Terry L Newbegin Copyright © 2012 by Terry L Newbegin. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
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