Xenophon: Greece, Persia, and Beyond

The importance of Xenophon as a historical source for the history of Greece in the classical period has long been recognised as an established fact. Many scholars also rightly judge him to be a priceless source of information about the Achemenid Empire and the nature of its relations with the Greeks. Given the amazing variety, and the value, of his literary output (the majority of them constitute the very beginning of a new literary genre), his importance in the history of Greek literature has also started to be appreciated, albeit quite recently. In consequence, the growing modern interest in Xenophon is manifested not only in books about him, but in the scholarly conferences too. This book contains a selection of the papers delivered at a conference held in October 2009 at Gdansk University: the place where the first monograph on Xenophon in Polish was written by Professor Krzysztof Glombiowski. The meeting gathered Polish experts on Xenophon and history of Greece in the fourth century BC, including many of the disciples of Professor Glombiowski. The topics they chose for discussion included military history, the literary aspects of Xenophon's production, and Xenophon's popularity in Gdansk school curricula in the eighteenth century).

Xenophon: Greece, Persia, and Beyond

The importance of Xenophon as a historical source for the history of Greece in the classical period has long been recognised as an established fact. Many scholars also rightly judge him to be a priceless source of information about the Achemenid Empire and the nature of its relations with the Greeks. Given the amazing variety, and the value, of his literary output (the majority of them constitute the very beginning of a new literary genre), his importance in the history of Greek literature has also started to be appreciated, albeit quite recently. In consequence, the growing modern interest in Xenophon is manifested not only in books about him, but in the scholarly conferences too. This book contains a selection of the papers delivered at a conference held in October 2009 at Gdansk University: the place where the first monograph on Xenophon in Polish was written by Professor Krzysztof Glombiowski. The meeting gathered Polish experts on Xenophon and history of Greece in the fourth century BC, including many of the disciples of Professor Glombiowski. The topics they chose for discussion included military history, the literary aspects of Xenophon's production, and Xenophon's popularity in Gdansk school curricula in the eighteenth century).

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Xenophon: Greece, Persia, and Beyond

Xenophon: Greece, Persia, and Beyond

by Bogdan Burliga
Xenophon: Greece, Persia, and Beyond

Xenophon: Greece, Persia, and Beyond

by Bogdan Burliga


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The importance of Xenophon as a historical source for the history of Greece in the classical period has long been recognised as an established fact. Many scholars also rightly judge him to be a priceless source of information about the Achemenid Empire and the nature of its relations with the Greeks. Given the amazing variety, and the value, of his literary output (the majority of them constitute the very beginning of a new literary genre), his importance in the history of Greek literature has also started to be appreciated, albeit quite recently. In consequence, the growing modern interest in Xenophon is manifested not only in books about him, but in the scholarly conferences too. This book contains a selection of the papers delivered at a conference held in October 2009 at Gdansk University: the place where the first monograph on Xenophon in Polish was written by Professor Krzysztof Glombiowski. The meeting gathered Polish experts on Xenophon and history of Greece in the fourth century BC, including many of the disciples of Professor Glombiowski. The topics they chose for discussion included military history, the literary aspects of Xenophon's production, and Xenophon's popularity in Gdansk school curricula in the eighteenth century).

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9788375311037
Publisher: Akanthina
Publication date: 09/19/2011
Pages: 191
Product dimensions: 6.50(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.50(d)

Table of Contents

Introduction Bogdan Burliga 7

The Rational and Magical-Religious Semiotics of War. Anabasis and the Military Campaigns of the Assyrian Kings in the 1st Millennium B.C. Krzysztof Ulanowski 11

Before Xenophon: Notes on Early Greek Accounts on the Core Inhabitants of the Persian Empire Tytus Miko&lslash;ajczak 41

The Egyptian Phalanx in the Cyropaedia S&lslash;awomir J&ecedil;draszek 63

Achaemenid and Lakedaimonian Infantry Organization in Xenophon's Cyropaedia Nicholas V. Sekunda 75

The Muses and Sacrifices before Battle Tomasz Mojsik 85

Xenophon and a Small Polis: Phleoius in the Hellenica Jacek Rzepka 97

Xenophon as the First Theoretician of the Social Capital Concept Ma&lslash;gorzata Mika 103

Xenophon's Socrates and the Oracles Anna Ryś 115

Socratic Laughter in the Xenophon's Cyropaedia Anna Marchewka 121

&rlalpha;ε&griota; μ&acepsilon;ντοι <τ&cdfromega;> &rliota;σχυροτ&acepsilon;ρ&cdomega; τ&gromicron; &rlalpha;σθεν&acepsilon;στερον θηρ&fralpha;ν: The Meaning of the 'Hunting' Comparison in Xenophon's Equit. mag. 4.17 Bogdan Burliga 131

Ways and Means - the Last Work of Xenophon Grzegorz Kotlowski 153

Did Xenophon Read Herodotus? The Tyrant's Bloody End, Or the 'Herodotean' Character of Xenophon's Hell. 6.4.35 - 37 Bogdan Burliga 159

Xenophon in the XVIIIth Century School Curriculum: Strategies of Teaching Greek in the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk Jacek Pokrzywnicki 173

Edouard Delebecque's Research on Xenophon Karol Polejowski 185

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