Your Mouth To God's Ear: Prayer that Really Works ~ Wisdom From The Higher Realms
Back Cover Sarah Jean’s Photo What makes prayer work? Why do some prayers “get through” and other prayers, just as deserving, come to nothing? Does this mean that God loves one soul more than the other? No, of course not. God loves all of us equally. The author has spent many years teaching higher spiritual concepts as a minister and on her teaching website, She has been blessed with spiritual gifts that give her a special attunement with the divine realms; this attunement has produced enlightened insights. She combines her own experiences with scientific discoveries that cast a new light on communication with the heavenly realms; this has led her to new success in prayer and in healing. Perhaps you are afraid of offending your Creator by learning newer ways of contacting the divine realms. Don’t be; He wants what is best for His children. In this book Sarah Jean shows you how every generation builds upon the spiritual foundation of the generation before it. This is God’s way of showing souls higher octaves of enlightenment. You will learn arcane secrets of the universe, previously known only to mystics, that will help you to succeed in receiving what you ask God for, and certain cosmic laws that may hold you back. The personal pages in each lesson help you to identify your problem areas and open the door to new understanding. The unique quality of this book is that Sarah Jean takes known spiritual concepts and new discoveries to a higher level; then she explains step by step how they work with nothing left out.
Your Mouth To God's Ear: Prayer that Really Works ~ Wisdom From The Higher Realms
Back Cover Sarah Jean’s Photo What makes prayer work? Why do some prayers “get through” and other prayers, just as deserving, come to nothing? Does this mean that God loves one soul more than the other? No, of course not. God loves all of us equally. The author has spent many years teaching higher spiritual concepts as a minister and on her teaching website, She has been blessed with spiritual gifts that give her a special attunement with the divine realms; this attunement has produced enlightened insights. She combines her own experiences with scientific discoveries that cast a new light on communication with the heavenly realms; this has led her to new success in prayer and in healing. Perhaps you are afraid of offending your Creator by learning newer ways of contacting the divine realms. Don’t be; He wants what is best for His children. In this book Sarah Jean shows you how every generation builds upon the spiritual foundation of the generation before it. This is God’s way of showing souls higher octaves of enlightenment. You will learn arcane secrets of the universe, previously known only to mystics, that will help you to succeed in receiving what you ask God for, and certain cosmic laws that may hold you back. The personal pages in each lesson help you to identify your problem areas and open the door to new understanding. The unique quality of this book is that Sarah Jean takes known spiritual concepts and new discoveries to a higher level; then she explains step by step how they work with nothing left out.
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Your Mouth To God's Ear: Prayer that Really Works ~ Wisdom From The Higher Realms

Your Mouth To God's Ear: Prayer that Really Works ~ Wisdom From The Higher Realms

by Sarah Jean Davidson
Your Mouth To God's Ear: Prayer that Really Works ~ Wisdom From The Higher Realms

Your Mouth To God's Ear: Prayer that Really Works ~ Wisdom From The Higher Realms

by Sarah Jean Davidson



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Back Cover Sarah Jean’s Photo What makes prayer work? Why do some prayers “get through” and other prayers, just as deserving, come to nothing? Does this mean that God loves one soul more than the other? No, of course not. God loves all of us equally. The author has spent many years teaching higher spiritual concepts as a minister and on her teaching website, She has been blessed with spiritual gifts that give her a special attunement with the divine realms; this attunement has produced enlightened insights. She combines her own experiences with scientific discoveries that cast a new light on communication with the heavenly realms; this has led her to new success in prayer and in healing. Perhaps you are afraid of offending your Creator by learning newer ways of contacting the divine realms. Don’t be; He wants what is best for His children. In this book Sarah Jean shows you how every generation builds upon the spiritual foundation of the generation before it. This is God’s way of showing souls higher octaves of enlightenment. You will learn arcane secrets of the universe, previously known only to mystics, that will help you to succeed in receiving what you ask God for, and certain cosmic laws that may hold you back. The personal pages in each lesson help you to identify your problem areas and open the door to new understanding. The unique quality of this book is that Sarah Jean takes known spiritual concepts and new discoveries to a higher level; then she explains step by step how they work with nothing left out.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781463449056
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 11/30/2011
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 228
File size: 385 KB

Read an Excerpt

Your Mouth To God's Ear

Prayer That Really Works ~ Wisdom From The Higher Realms
By Sarah Jean Davidson


Copyright © 2011 Sarah Jean Davidson
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4634-4909-4

Chapter One

God's Divine Plan

Remember ye not the former things, Neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; Now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? Isaiah 43: 18-19

Why does the world need another book about prayer when mankind has already been praying for thousands of years? It's because at the beginning of each earth age there is an upsurge of a new kind of energy, each age slightly higher and slightly more challenging than the one before it. In each era a different facet of human spiritual endeavor is highlighted. With this new energy a greater comprehension of what God knows we are capable of comprehending is bestowed upon us if we care to open to it.

As time marches on the earth energy spirals upward toward ever increasing spiritual perfection. We are in a time right now in which a higher and finer energy is pouring in to blend with that of the previous period. The new energy that we are experiencing now emphasizes the one-ness of all creation, and the brotherhood of man. The Christ Spirit that is embedded in each soul is being activated by spiritual love. This, in turn, leads to a realization of a higher octave of truth.

As we continually move closer to understanding what our Creator wants for us, and from us, we also grow in personal empowerment. Prayer, and our ability to ask for and receive blessings, changes and improves along with this empowerment.

Long ago, The Christ spoke frequently about how to achieve our every desire. However, the instructions that He gave us at that time may seem vague and incomplete to many souls in the present.

Jesus spoke in parables that greatly oversimplified the spiritual points that He wished to make. This was necessary because those to whom he was speaking in that day and time were not evolved enough to understand abstract concepts.

There are many people today who close their minds to any higher truth concerning spirituality. They say, "what was good enough for my mother and father is good enough for me." Actually, it was good enough for those who went before us. They were a teensy bit less spiritually enlightened than those of this generation. This was God's plan. The children born today will understand more than we do. With this in mind, I will illustrate to you how every generation is capable of comprehending a bit more about higher spiritual truths. This is the Creator's divine concept for ongoing evolution.

God's plan is newly revealed in each new scientific discovery. Scientific advances do not lead us away from the communication that bonds us to our Creator; on the contrary, they serve to illustrate the breathtaking majesty of His divine plan as it unfolds a bit at the time. The truth never changes. Our perception of what He wants from us is what changes.

It is more than folly to reject today's new discoveries, for as you do this, you reject God's gift to humankind. The way to higher spiritual enlightenment is to accept with humble gratitude this display of the Almighty's care and love for His children. The mystery of God is never lessened by newer versions of His truth; instead, a higher and finer layer is revealed to us.

Eons ago, since the time the first souls were created, mankind has been in a gradual upward movement toward greater spiritual insight. In the beginning there was no goal other than the basic need of finding dry caves to shelter from the elements, animal skins for warmth and enough food to stay alive. Certainly, there was no spiritual awareness whatsoever.

As the ages rolled on souls on earth evolved a bit at the time and learned better ways of finding comfort and divine communication, but slowly, very slowly.

The children watched their elders and learned the tried and true ways about supplying their basic needs. Those of each generation that followed stretched themselves a bit with new ideas and built upon their parents' beliefs, knowledge and experience to make changes that were helpful and appropriate for those early times.

God has planned for each succeeding generation to be programmed genetically to be a little superior than the one that went before. Each generation is more qualified than the generation before it in understanding concepts, both practical and spiritual, performing tasks and inventing items to make life more comfortable and satisfying. This is the plan by which evolution and enlightenment advances from the primitive to the more refined.

There were no spiritual concepts at work in the minds of those early souls, for they were still in the infant stage of evolution and thought only of survival and bodily desires.

From time to time a soul was born who was more intuitive than the others and more in touch with the higher realms. There are many enlightened souls today that are placed on earth to show the way; these souls help the mainstream move forward more quickly in order to keep up with the divine time table.

These early advanced souls had ideas about things that even they didn't understand yet; for this was the first glimmering of the special connection to the divine realms that is programmed by God into every soul that is created. This special connection must be activated and encouraged before it can be used for the good of that particular soul. This was the Holy Spirit encouraging mankind. This was the first stirring of creativity, and the awareness of things higher than basic survival.

The special individuals, who were ahead of their time, had urges to do things that had never been done before. They were vaguely in the realm of the higher mind in a very limited way, though they didn't realize it.

The time came when one of them was gathering berries for food and she happened to idly mash some red berries between her fingers. She ran her fingers across her skin and found that the juice from the berries made pleasingly colorful designs that stained her skin when it dried.

She tried the same process with some blue berries and got the same result. She then dragged a bit of the red juice toward the blue juice and was delighted to find that when mixed together the two juices made a purple color. This exciting discovery led to crushing of colorful rocks and minerals, and mixing those with clay to make a paint-like substance.

As you can imagine, this early paint was a great hit with the rest of the tribe. The budding artist used it to decorate the animal skins they wore and to portray the animals that were such an important part of the survival of the tribe. Mammoths soon appeared on cave walls in hunting scenes that illustrated the hunters killing and bringing home these animals.

As you no doubt realize, this was the forerunner of fine art. But that is not all, for these cave paintings were also the wellspring of prayer as we know it today.

It seems a real reach to believe that painting mammoths and bison on a cave wall could lead to successfully appealing to the Almighty, doesn't it? The first thing I want you to learn in this book is that it is an important spiritual law that the desire for something is the beginning spark that drives prayer to a satisfactory conclusion.

Of course there was no way of keeping records so far back in time since writing hadn't yet come about, so we have no way of knowing exactly how the first efforts of contacting the Creator began. I have pulled a story from my imagination that illustrates how I feel the cave dwellers may have been unknowingly urged by God to begin their basic prayer process.

Each night the cave dwellers sat around their fires and gazed at the pictures on their cave walls. As they did this the paintings of successful hunts took on a mystical quality in their minds. They wished with all their hearts that the next hunt would come to pass just as it was pictured. They reached out with their mind's eye and "saw" themselves feasting on mammoth. They envisioned having food in plenty to survive the coming winter.

The paintings of what they desired so much became as talismans to the cave dwellers. Their hopes for success were kept high by what they saw on the cave walls. They thought of it frequently.

One evening word came in by one of the scouts of the tribe that a small herd of mammoth had been sighted grazing in a nearby valley. This was their big chance. The men spent that evening readying their hunting weapons.

Before first light the next morning the leader stood before the men. He encouraged them much as a football coach works his team up to great expectations before a game. He told them to remember the successful outcome of the cave paintings. He exhorted every man to do his very best. They all went forth with high hearts believing that they would succeed, and they did. They brought home the mammoth.

You can see how it worked, can't you? The cave dwellers were too primitive to know about God, but God knew about them. They were less-evolved, inexperienced souls, as God meant for them to be at that time in the Great Cosmic Plan. By holding hope and desire in their hearts and believing in their abilities, they were making their request known to the Creator.

We are aware that our Creator knows each thought in our minds, so why do we have to make our desires known to Him in the clearest possible way? It is because there is a spiritual law that decrees that we must humble ourselves before God and ask for His help in our every endeavor. If we try to go it alone and bring our ventures to pass using only our own abilities, we are separating ourselves from God.

To this day gazing repeatedly at a picture that represents your strong desire, and believing with all your heart that you can have it, is recognized as a powerful form of prayer.

Jesus affirmed this by telling us to ask with faith, and the absolute certainty that what we want will come to us at the very first possible opportunity.

Let's go on from here with a very brief overview of how spiritual concepts have progressed through time to the present. You may be surprised by how long it has taken for souls to move ahead in enlightenment over many thousands of years.

I'm going to refer to the time periods by the names of the Astrological Ages. These are divided into periods that span roughly 2,000 years in length. This time estimate of 2,000 years each has been argued up hill and down dale for many years. I have rounded the dates off to 2000 years each for simplification purposes

These ages do not cut off abruptly. At the end of one epoch the attributes of that period go on for quite some time and meld with the next one, so you can see a bit of each going on at the same time.

A new age never leaves souls where it finds them, especially in the development of culture, society and politics. It never takes away without leaving something better in its place.

I believe that you'll find this journey through time really interesting. I do.

Please remember that I am not an astrologer. I am showing you the spiritual essence of these ages so that you can follow the progression.

The Age Of Taurus

I'm going to jump from the cave-man time to the Age of Taurus. This period occurred from about 4000 BC to 2000 BC. The key word for the Taurean period is "I Have", referring to the extreme materialism of that time. The desire nature of the group soul was in full flower. They thought only of self-gratification as a baby would. In the heavens the constellation of Taurus is shown as a bull.

This was an age of polytheism, the worship of multiple deities. God's Divine Plan starts newly developing souls out with what is easiest for them to accept at their level of comprehension.

Each god or goddess was thought to be in charge of a different aspect of earthly activities such as the home and hearth, love, war, the soul, health and prosperity. We know now that the sum total of the attributes of all these gods and goddesses add up to The One God.

The souls of that time had moved ahead far enough spiritually to realize that there was something or someone that controlled the universe. They firmly believed that deities on high had the power to grant them benefits, or to punish them if the deity was displeased.

Taureans didn't wear out their knees praying for what they wanted. They made sacrifices to please the deities when applying for benefits. The priests in the temples billed themselves as representatives of the gods. These priests, who were often just as materialistic as their flocks, took the offerings in return for sending up the prayers to the deities, and used the offerings for their own selves.

Hmmm, I wonder how many of these bought and paid for prayers reached God's ear? Maybe more than we think.

The souls during this era were quite basic, not enlightened in the slightest, but they were right where God planned for them to be in the upward march of evolution.

There was no idea as yet of spiritual love for the divine realms in what their priests taught them, for the people of that time were too primitive in their advancement to benefit from uplifting concepts.

It was during this time frame that humans were released from the nomadic existence of hunting and gathering of food. The Taurean agricultural age had come into being. Towns were formed now that the people were able to stay in one place. It was during this time that the plow was invented.

The pyramids were being built in Egypt along with the preservation of bodies after death. This shows us that there was a belief in an after-life. Writing techniques were greatly improved by the invention of papyrus that enabled scrolls to be made.

There was a great emphasis on the beauty of artistic creations. Copper and bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) were used for the first time in fashioning jewelry, and bronze was used for making swords. This was quite an evolution from the first attempts at art by the cave-woman and her berry stain discovery, wasn't it?

The idea of the One God did not make an appearance until the very end of the Taurean Age. Spiritual evolution takes so darn long that it's demoralizing. Still, on the positive side, by the time we got into the Age of Pisces spiritual development really got to hopping in a big way.

In every age there will be found highly developed souls that are placed on earth to introduce higher and finer spiritual concepts at the earliest time that souls might be able to profit from them.

At the time any new transcendent concept is presented to the people, from long ago until now, there are always those who recognize it as truth and embrace it immediately. A second segment of seekers are those who are attracted to the concept, and feel their way toward it slowly and cautiously. Unfortunately, time has shown us that the main bulk of the population will greet the new concept with loud outcries of resentment and rage. This is true not only in spiritual matters, but in the scientific and political arenas as well. I'm sure you've all noticed this.

You will find that historically, those who are most resentful of new enlightenment are fed this attitude by leaders who have a stake in the status quo.

Even those souls who embrace the new idea will tend to backslide if their inspirational teacher doesn't keep up a continuous emotional support, as is shown by the following ...

Your Mouth To God's Ear

And the Lord said unto Moses, come up to me into the mount and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them. Exodus 24:12

The Ten Commandments

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: ... ... Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Honor thy father and thy mother: That thy days be long upon the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his maidservant ... Exodus 20: 7-17


Excerpted from Your Mouth To God's Ear by Sarah Jean Davidson Copyright © 2011 by Sarah Jean Davidson. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


1. God's Divine Plan....................1
2. Where Are You In God's Divine Plan?....................27
3. Indigo Souls....................60
4. Accessing The Cosmic Stream....................66
5. The Lord's Prayer....................69
6. Go Into Your Inner Closet....................79
7. You Build The Pattern—God Does The Rest....................87
8. Co-Creating With Your Desire Body....................95
9. Energy Follows Thought....................105
10. The God Place....................112
11. Pulling It All Together....................120
12. Your Window Of Opportunity....................136
13. The Buck Stops Here....................144
14. Seeing In Beauty....................158
15. The Hermetic Law Of Cause And Effect....................172
16. How Your Prayers Become Reality....................178
17. You Can't Jump The Vibration....................181
18. The Banks Of Karma....................187
19. The Solar Cycles....................192
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