Eleanor & Park, by Rainbow Rowell Because it’s the only book I’ve ever bought in bulk to give as gifts. Because of this line: “And then she realized that Park didn’t know about the Beatles.” Because Eleanor and Park’s first phone call is sexier than any love scene I’ve ever read. I think I’ve blogged […]
If you’re in need of a late summer pick-me-up, we’ve got the perfect solution: a fabulous new read (was there really any doubt?). Our newest Monthly Picks are here, and the end of summer just got a little sweeter. Get caught up in a big little lie, root for a sharp new detective, dismantle the […]
Every year the Office for Intellectual Freedom, a branch of the American Library Association dedicated to fighting censorship, compiles a list of the books that have been banned or challenged by parents, schools, or libraries. When you look at these lists through the years, you begin to see patterns in the type of content challengers […]
Explore the stories behind the young adult books you love with the B&N YA Podcast. Join the editors of the B&N Blogs as they sit down with YA authors to talk about books, life, their teen years, their pop cultural obsessions, and how they came up with the stories that keep us up at night. Subscribe […]
Hearts can break over so many things, it makes them seem awfully fragile. They can break over losing love, or never having enough to begin with. Grief cracks them wide open. Thwarted ambition can do some damage, too. With as much of a beat-up as these poor organs yet, it’s no wonder YA lit is […]