Title: Betty Bunny Wants Everything, Author: Michael Kaplan
Title: Big Rig (1 Hardcover/1 CD), Author: Jamie A. Swenson
Title: Dinosaurs (National Geographic Readers Series), Author: Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
Title: Indigo Dreams: Children's Bedtime Stories Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness (3 CD Set), Author: Lori Lite
Title: It's Raining! (1 Hardcover/1 CD), Author: Gail Gibbons
Title: Jessica [With Hardcover Book(s)], Author: Kevin Henkes
Title: Make Way for Ducklings, Author: Robert McCloskey
Title: My Little Pony: Rainbow Dash and the Daring Do Double Dare, Author: G. M. Berrow
Title: Storms (1 Hardcover/1 CD) (National Geographic Readers Series), Author: Miriam Busch Goin
Title: The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred [With 4 Paperbacks], Author: Samantha R. Vamos
Title: Trains (1 Hardcover/1 CD) (National Geographic Readers Series), Author: Amy Shields