Title: Teaching Elementary Statistics with JMP, Author: Chris Olsen
eBook $13.99 $23.99 Current price is $13.99, Original price is $23.99.
Title: Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book, Fifth Edition, Author: Rebecca A. Ottesen
eBook $11.49 $18.99 Current price is $11.49, Original price is $18.99.
Title: A Recipe for Success Using SAS University Edition: How to Plan Your First Analytics Project, Author: Sharon Jones
eBook $10.99 $18.99 Current price is $10.99, Original price is $18.99.
Title: JMP 13 Scripting Guide, Author: SAS Institute
Title: Getting Started with SAS Enterprise Miner 13.1, Author: Sas Institute
Title: JMP 13 Fitting Linear Models, Second Edition, Author: SAS
Title: JMP 12 Essential Graphing, Author: SAS
Title: Using JMP 12, Author: SAS
Title: JMP 13 JSL Syntax Reference, Author: SAS Institute
Title: JMP 12 Fitting Linear Models, Author: SAS
Title: JMP 12 Scripting Guide, Author: SAS Institute
eBook $8.99 $9.99 Current price is $8.99, Original price is $9.99.
Title: JMP 12 JSL Syntax Reference, Author: SAS
Title: JMP 12 Basic Analysis, Author: SAS
Title: JMP 13 Predictive and Specialized Modeling, Second Edition, Author: SAS
eBook $7.99 $8.99 Current price is $7.99, Original price is $8.99.
Title: Using JMP 13, Author: SAS Institute
eBook $7.99 $8.99 Current price is $7.99, Original price is $8.99.
Title: JMP 12 Multivariate Methods, Author: SAS
Title: JMP 12 Specialized Models, Author: SAS
Title: JMP 12 Design of Experiments Guide, Author: SAS
eBook $7.99 $8.99 Current price is $7.99, Original price is $8.99.
Title: JMP 13 Essential Graphing, Author: SAS Institute
eBook $7.99 $8.99 Current price is $7.99, Original price is $8.99.
Title: JMP 13 Basic Analysis, Author: SAS Institute
eBook $7.99 $8.99 Current price is $7.99, Original price is $8.99.

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