Title: Rosie Bear Plays Baseball, Author: Velvet Ocean
eBook $2.99 $3.99 Current price is $2.99, Original price is $3.99.
Title: Duffy and Huffy's Surprising Adventure (PagePerfect NOOK Book), Author: Marie Crosby-Anderson
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Title: Little Bear Kleiner Bär, Author: Natascha Moore
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Title: The Biography of a Grizzly [Illustrated, Unabridged Version], Author: Ernest Thompson Seton
Title: The Four Bears Drank Dr. Pepper, Author: Stephanie Moody
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Title: The Unbearable Itch, Author: Bridget Fisk
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Title: The Story of Big Bear in the Backyard, Author: Fariba Ansari
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Title: Bear'S Journey, Author: Mathew Mitchell
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Title: How Bear Lost His Tail, Author: Ilett O'Connor
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Title: Rollo, Author: Barbi McGee
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Title: 4 Activity Books: Fun & Learning for Families Vol. I, Author: Karl Beckstrand
Title: Brummi in seinem neuen Zuhause, Author: Dorothee Sargon
Title: Paddington 2: Dear Aunt Lucy, Author: Thomas Macri
Title: Angel Bear and Bear, Author: Mary Lowery
Title: Tajna Velikog medveda, Author: Rob Altaway
Title: Frogs & Pandas & Cats: Amazing Pictures & Facts - Endangered Animals: Discovery Kids Books Series 3 In 1 Box, Author: Kate Cruise
Title: Paddington 2: Dear Aunt Lucy, Author: Thomas Macri
Title: Fluffy's Picnic, Author: Catherine E. Mercer
Title: The Berenstain Bears: Hospital Friends, Author: Mike Berenstain
Title: Sebastian: A Travelling Bear, Author: Alan Field
eBook $3.99 $4.49 Current price is $3.99, Original price is $4.49.

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