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Title: The Chase: How Ohio State Captured the First College Football Playoff, Author: Bill Rabinowitz
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Title: Buckeye Rebirth: Urban Meyer, an Inspired Team, and a New Era at Ohio State, Author: Bill Rabinowitz
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Title: 100 Things Buckeyes Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die, Author: Andrew Buchanan
Title: Buckeye Madness: The Glorious, Tumultuous, Behind-the-Scenes Story of Ohio State Football, Author: Joe Menzer
Title: The 100-Yard War: Inside the 100-Year-Old Michigan-Ohio State Football Rivalry, Author: Greg Emmanuel
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Title: For the Love of the Buckeyes: An A-to-Z Primer for Buckeyes Fans of All Ages, Author: Frederick C. Klein
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Title: I Remember Woody, Author: Steve Greenberg
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Title: Diary of an Unforgettable Season: 2006 Ohio State Buckeyes, Author: Steve Snapp
eBook $10.49 $11.99 Current price is $10.49, Original price is $11.99.
Title: The Chase: How Ohio State Captured the First College Football Playoff, Author: Bill Rabinowitz
eBook $10.49 $13.99 Current price is $10.49, Original price is $13.99.

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