Title: Roosevelt Dimes: 1965-2003, Volume Two, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: Roosevelt Dimes 2004, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: Lincoln Cents: 1930-1958, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: Roosevelt Dime 1946 - 64, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: NATL Park Qtrs. P and D Fld, Author: Whitman Publishing
Title: State Series Quarters 1999-2009 Collectors Map (Gray Fold), Author: H. E. Harris
Title: U.S. Dimes Coin Folder, Author: Staff of Littleton Coin Company
Title: 2016-2021 P&D America the Beautiful Quarter Folder Volume II, Author: Littleton Coin Company Staff
Title: Jefferson Nickels 1938-1961, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: Sacagawea Dollars 2000 -, Author: Staff of Littleton Coin Company
Title: U.S. Half Dollars, Author: Littleton
Title: Whitman Roosevelt Dimes Starting 2005 Number Three (Official Whitman Coin Folder), Author: Whitman Publishing
Title: Lincoln Cents: 1909 - 1929, Volume One, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: Lincoln Cent #4, Author: H.E. Harris & Co. Staff
Title: Washington Quarter 1965 - 1987 Folder, Author: David S. MacDonald
Title: Jefferson Nickels Starting 1997, Author: Littleton
Title: Presidential Dollar Commemorative Folder: Deluxe Edition - Complete Philadelphia and Denver Mint Collection, Author: Staff of Whitman Publishing
Title: NATL Park Qtr Folder, Author: Whitman Publishing
Title: Eisenhower Dollars 1971-1978 & Susan B. Anthony & Eisenhower Dollars 1979-1999 Folder, Author: Littleton
Title: Kennedy Half Dollars 1986-2003, Author: Staff of Littleton

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