Title: Washington Quarter, Volume 4: 1988-1998, Author: Littleton
Title: Presidential Dollar: Collection 2007 to 2011, Author: Whitman Publishing
Title: Kennedy Half Dollars 2004 -, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: Fifty States Quarter Folder 1999 - 2008, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: U.S. Cents Coin Folder, Author: Staff of Littleton Coin Company
Title: Whitman Blue Folder National Park P and D 2010-, Author: Whitman Publishing
Title: U.S. Quarters Coin Folder, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: Whitman Statehood Quarter Collectors Map, Author: Whitman Publishing
Title: 2007-2016 Presidential Dollars Philadelphia & Denver Color Folder, Author: Staff of Littleton Coin Company
Title: Lincoln Cent #4, Author: Whitman Publishing
Title: Washington Quarters, 1965-1987, Author: Whitman Coin Products
Title: Lincoln Memorial Cents 1959-1998, Author: Littleton Coin Company
Title: Whitman Kennedy Half Dollars #3 Folder 2004, Author: Whitman Publishing
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Title: Cent Page, Author: Whitman Coin Book and Supplies
Title: Jefferson Nickels, Volume Two 1962-1996, Author: Littleton Coin Company
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