Title: Dressage: A Guideline for Riders and Judges, Author: Wolfgang Niggli
Title: Score More for Dressage, Author: Wendy Jago
Title: Driving and Judging Dressage, Author: Prince Phillip
Title: Dressage with Kyra: The Kyra Kyrklund Training Method, Author: Kyra Kyrklund
Title: Nature, Nurture, and Horses: A Journal of Four Dressage Horses in Training-From Birth Through the First Year of Training, Author: Paul Belasik
Title: Basic Training of the Young Horse: Dressage, Jumping, Cross-country, Author: Ingrid Klimke
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Title: 101 Western Dressage Exercises for Horse & Rider, Author: Jec Aristotle Ballou
Title: Nature, Nurture and Horses: A Journal of Four Dressage Horses in Training--From Birth through the First Year of Training, Author: Paul Belasik
Title: Pilates for the Dressage Rider, Author: Janice Dulak
Title: Dressage Masters: Techniques and Philosophies of Four Legendary Trainers, Author: David Collins
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Title: 101 Western Dressage Exercises for Horse & Rider, Author: Jec Aristotle Ballou
Explore Series
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Title: The Athletic Development of the Dressage Horse: Manege Patterns, Author: Charles de Kunffy
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Title: Training Strategies for Dressage Riders, Author: Charles de Kunffy
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Title: The Complete Training of Horse and Rider, Author: Alois Podhajsky