Title: The Count's Hanukkah Countdown, Author: Ellen Fischer
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Title: The Trees of the Dancing Goats, Author: Patricia Polacco
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In The Month of Kislev
by Nina Jaffe
Narrated by  Theodore Bikel
Title: Sammy Spider's First Sukkot, Author: Sylvia A. Rouss
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Title: Sammy Spider's First Rosh Hashanah, Author: Sylvia A. Rouss
Title: Sammy Spider's First Shabbat, Author: Sylvia A. Rouss
Title: The Passover Surprise, Author: Janet Ruth Heller
Title: Talia and the Very YUM Kippur, Author: Linda Elovitz Marshall
Title: The Trees of the Dancing Goats: with audio recording, Author: Patricia Polacco
Title: Sammy Spider's First Simchat Torah, Author: Sylvia A. Rouss
Title: Not for All the Hamantaschen in Town, Author: Laura Aron Milhander
Title: Tamar's Sukkah, Author: Ellie B. Gellman

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