Title: The Genius in the Design: Bernini, Borromini, and the Rivalry That Transformed Rome, Author: Jake Morrissey
Title: The Feud That Sparked the Renaissance: How Brunelleschi and Ghiberti Changed the Art World, Author: Paul Robert Walker
Title: The Architecture of Country Houses, Author: A. Downing
Title: Sticks & Stones / Steel & Glass: One Architect's Journey, Author: Varpu Lotvonen
Title: Paradise by Design: Tropical Residences and Resorts by Bensley Design Studios, Author: Bill Bensley
Title: Mary Colter: Architect of the Southwest, Author: Alexander Vertikoff
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Life, Author: Ada Louise Huxtable
Title: Fallingwater Rising: Frank Lloyd Wright, E. J. Kaufmann, and America's Most Extraordinary House, Author: Franklin Toker
Title: Brunelleschi's Dome: How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture, Author: Ross King
Title: Brunel, Author: Annabel Gillings
Title: American Eve, Author: Paula Uruburu