Title: U.S. News and World Report's Mysteries of Space, Author: U.S. News and World Report
Title: National Geographic's Titanic Issue 2012, Author: National Geographic
Title: Discover Magazine's The Brain 2012, Author: Kalmbach Publishing Co.
Title: Smithsonian's Ultimate Aircraft 2012, Author: Smithsonian Enterprises
Title: Discover's Extreme Earth, Author: Kalmbach Publishing Co.
Title: Science Illustrated - March and April 2013, Author: Bonnier
Explore Series
Title: How It Works - Book of Space - 2nd Revised Edition 2013, Author: Imagine Publishing
Title: How It Works -Annual Volume 2 - 2012, Author: Imagine Publishing
Title: How It Works- Book of Amazing Animals 2013, Author: Imagine Publishing
Title: How It Works - Book of Junior Science 2013, Author: Imagine Publishing