Title: Urban Futures for Central Canada: Perspectives on Forecasting Urban Growth and Form, Author: Larry Bourne
Title: Urban Futures for Central Canada: Perspectives on Forecasting Urban Growth and Form, Author: L. S. Bourne
Title: Urban Systems Development in Central Canada: Selected Papers, Author: L. S. Bourne
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Title: Urbanism and the Changing Canadian Society, Author: S.D. Clark
Title: Urbanism and the Changing Canadian Society, Author: S.D. Clark
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What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia
by Ella Kiang
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Title: Where Do Polar Bears Live? (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2 Series), Author: Sarah L. Thomson
Title: Wish You Were Here, Author: Zachary Michael Jack
Title: Young People's Lives and Sexual Relationships in Rural Africa: Findings from a Large Qualitative Study in Tanzania, Author: Mary Louisa Plummer

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