Title: UFOs Over Arizona: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Grand Canyon State, Author: Preston Dennett
Title: The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth Behind America's UFO Highway, Author: Ben Mezrich
Title: UFOs over New York: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Empire State, Author: Preston Dennett
Title: Weird Georgia: Close Encounters, Strange Creatures, and Unexplained Phenomena, Author: Jim Miles
Title: Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs, Author: This Kid Reviews Books
Title: The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth Behind America's UFO Highway, Author: Ben Mezrich
Title: Strange Northwest: Weird Encounters in Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, Author: Chris Bader
Paperback $11.22 $11.95 Current price is $11.22, Original price is $11.95.
Title: Encounters: With the Strange and Unexplained, Author: Matt Hoyle
eBook $10.99 $11.99 Current price is $10.99, Original price is $11.99.
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The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects