Title: Not without Peril: 150 Years of Misadventure on the Presidential Range of New Hampshire (Tenth Anniversary Edition), Author: Nicholas Howe
Title: The Hidden Life of Deer: Lessons from the Natural World, Author: Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
Title: Stark Decency: German Prisoners of War in a New England Village, Author: Allen V. Koop
Title: A Time Before New Hampshire: The Story of a Land and Native Peoples / Edition 1, Author: Michael J. Caduto
Title: Manchester Memories, Volume Three - The 1970s & 1980s, Author: New Hampshire Union Leader
Title: Black Portsmouth: Three Centuries of African-American Heritage / Edition 1, Author: Mark J. Sammons
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Title: Tying Down the Wind: Adventures in the Worst Weather on Earth, Author: Eric Pinder
Title: This Vast Book of Nature: Writing the Landscape of New Hampshire's White Mountains, 1784-1911, Author: Pavel Cenkl
Title: When Baseball Met Big Bill Haywood: The Battle for Manchester, New Hampshire, 1912-1916, Author: Scott C. Roper
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Title: Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City / Edition 1, Author: Tamara K. Hareven
Title: White Mountain Wilderness: A Photographic Journey to New Hampshire's Most Rugged Places, Author: Jerry Monkman
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Title: This Grand and Magnificent Place: The Wilderness Heritage of the White Mountains, Author: Christopher Johnson
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Title: Just Rye Harbor: An Appreciation and History, Author: Thomas C. Clarie
Title: Following the Water: A Hydromancer's Notebook, Author: David M. Carroll
Title: My Brave Boys: To War with Colonel Cross and the Fighting Fifth / Edition 1, Author: Mike Pride
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Title: White Mountain Guide: A Centennial Retrospective, Author: Appalachian Mountain Club Books
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Title: Stand Firm and Fire Low: The Civil War Writings of Colonel Edward E. Cross, Author: Walter Holden
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