Title: 99 Cross-Stitch Luvable Pets (Leisure Arts #3994), Author: Kooler Design Studio
Title: I Can't Believe I'm Crocheting! (Leisure Arts #2738), Author: Leisure Arts
Title: Knitting Clothes Kids Love: Colorful Accessories for Heads, Shoulders, Knees, Hands, Toes, Author: Kate Oates
Title: Making Soap for Fun and Profit, Author: Linda C. Inlow
Title: Pom-Pom Puppies: Make Your Own Adorable Dogs
Title: Stitch Camp: 18 Crafty Projects for Kids & Tweens - Learn 6 All-Time Favorite Skills: Sew, Knit, Crochet, Felt, Embroider & Weave, Author: Nicole Blum
Title: Tabletop Catapult: Build Your Own Siege Engine!, Author: William Gurstelle
Title: The Sock Knitter's Handbook: Expert Advice, Tips, and Tricks, Author: Beth Parrott
Title: Welcome to the North Pole, Author: Becky Goldsmith