Title: Haven of Swans: (previously published as Abomination), Author: Colleen Coble
Title: The Hope Beach Collection: Tidewater Inn, Rosemary Cottage, Seagrass Pier, Author: Colleen Coble
Title: Good Clean Murder: A Plain Jane Mystery, Author: Traci Tyne Hilton
Title: The Trial, Author: Robert Whitlow
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Title: The Confession, Author: Robert Whitlow
Title: Vendetta (Nikki Boyd Files Series #1), Author: Lisa Harris
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Title: Vicious Cycle (Intervention Series #2), Author: Terri Blackstock
Title: Cry in the Night (Rock Harbor Series #5), Author: Colleen Coble
Title: Unspoken, Author: Dee Henderson
Title: Downfall (Intervention Series #3), Author: Terri Blackstock
Title: The View from Rainshadow Bay, Author: Colleen Coble
Title: Distortion (Moonlighters Series #2), Author: Terri Blackstock
Title: Looks that Deceive, Author: Braxton Degarmo
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Title: Moving Target (Elite Guardians Series #3), Author: Lynette Eason
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eBook $9.99 $15.99 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $15.99.
Title: Missing (Nikki Boyd Files Series #2), Author: Lisa Harris
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eBook $9.99 $14.99 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $14.99.
Title: Rosemary Cottage (Hope Beach Series #2), Author: Colleen Coble
Title: This Present Darkness: A Novel, Author: Frank Peretti
Title: Love & Redemption, Author: Suzanne D Williams
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Title: The Inn at Ocean's Edge (Sunset Cove Series #1), Author: Colleen Coble
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