Title: Helping Your Foster Child Transition to Your Adopted Child, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Infant Safe Haven Laws: Summary of State Laws, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: TEST1 Cradle of Liberty: Race, the Child, and National Belonging from Thomas Jefferson to W. E. B. Du Bois, Author: Caroline Levander
Title: Guardian Angel Guardian Devil, Author: Amelia Pohl
Title: How Does the Child Welfare System Work?, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Respite Care Services for Families Who Adopt Children with Special Needs: Synthesis of Demonstration Program Final Reports, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Courting Change: Queer Parents, Judges, and the Transformation of American Family Law, Author: Kimberly D. Richman
Title: Parental Drug Use as Child Abuse: Summary of State Laws, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Searching for Birth Relatives, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Parenting Your Adopted Preschooler, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Winning SSI Benefits For a Child With Autism
Title: Review and Expunction of Central Registries and Reporting Records: Summary of State Laws, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Intercountry Adoption: Where Do I Start?, Author: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Title: Rereporting and Recurrence of Child Maltreatment : Findings from NCANDS, Author: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Title: Understanding Adoption Subsidies: An Analysis of AFCARS Data. Final Report, Author: United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services
Title: The Changing Legal World of Adolescence, Author: Franklin E. Zimring
Title: Juvenile Justice: A Reference Handbook, 2nd Edition: A Reference Handbook, Author: Donald J. Shoemaker
Title: Excluding Abortion Coverage from Health Reform Act, Author: JD P
Title: Personal Safety for Children: A Guide for Parents, Author: Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

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