Title: New England Law Review: Volume 49, Number 4 - Summer 2015, Author: New England Law Review
Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 125, Number 2 - November 2015, Author: Yale Law Journal
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Metadata: The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series
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Title: Privacy on the Ground: Driving Corporate Behavior in the United States and Europe, Author: De Beaufort-F-V
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Title: Liberty and Sexuality: The Right to Privacy and the Making of Roe v. Wade, Author: David J. Garrow
Title: Law, Privacy and Surveillance in Canada in the Post-Snowden Era, Author: Michael Geist
Title: After Snowden: Privacy, Secrecy, and Security in the Information Age, Author: Ronald Goldfarb
Title: Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions, Author: Marc Rotenberg
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Title: Privacy: A Very Short Introduction, Author: Raymond Wacks
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Title: The Inspection House: An Impertinent Field Guide to Modern Surveillance, Author: Emily Horne
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Title: What Stays in Vegas: The World of Personal Data--Lifeblood of Big Business--and the End of Privacy as We Know It, Author: Adam Tanner
Title: Inquest into a Campaign, Author: Mercia McMahon
Title: No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State, Author: Glenn Greenwald
Title: Protecting Privacy in Surveillance Societies: The Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden, France, Canada, and the United States, Author: David H. Flaherty
Title: Privacy Law in a Nutshell, 2d, Author: John Soma
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Title: Dragnet Nation: A Quest for Privacy, Security, and Freedom in a World of Relentless Surveillance, Author: Julia Angwin
Title: The Surveillance Society and the Third-Party Privacy Problem, Author: Shaun Spencer

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