Title: Ohlbaum on the Pennsylvania Rules of Evidence, Author: Mike Geraci
eBook $185.99 $212.00 Current price is $185.99, Original price is $212.00.
Title: Evidence Simulations: Bridge to Practice, Author: Fred Galves
Title: Williams on Mississippi Evidence, Author: Parham Williams
eBook $234.99 $268.00 Current price is $234.99, Original price is $268.00.
Title: Tennessee Law of Evidence, Author: Neil P. Cohen
Title: Ohio Evidence Courtroom Manual, Author: Glen Weissenberger
Title: Parker's California Evidence Code, Author: Publisher's Editorial Staff
eBook $61.49 $70.00 Current price is $61.49, Original price is $70.00.
Title: Oregon Evidence, Author: Laird C. Kirkpatrick
eBook $220.49 $259.00 Current price is $220.49, Original price is $259.00.
Title: Criminal Evidentiary Foundations, Third Edition, Author: Edward J. Imwinkelried
eBook $143.99 $164.00 Current price is $143.99, Original price is $164.00.
Title: Evidence Law, A Student's Guide to the Law of Evidence as Applied in American Trials, Author: Roger Park
Title: The Law of Evidence in Virginia, Author: Charles E. Friend
eBook $235.49 $269.00 Current price is $235.49, Original price is $269.00.
Title: Maryland Evidence Handbook, Author: Joseph F. Murphy
Title: Weissenberger's Ohio Evidence Treatise, Author: Glen Weissenberger
Title: Pennsylvania Evidence Courtroom Manual, Author: A. J. Stephani
Title: Vermont Rules of Evidence Desktop Copy, Author: Publisher's Editorial Staff
eBook $94.99 $108.00 Current price is $94.99, Original price is $108.00.
Title: Weissenberger's Federal Evidence Courtroom Manual, Author: Glen Weissenberger
eBook $218.99 $250.00 Current price is $218.99, Original price is $250.00.
Title: The Kentucky Evidence Law Handbook, Author: Robert G. Lawson
eBook $181.99 $214.00 Current price is $181.99, Original price is $214.00.
Title: LexisNexis Practice Guide: Massachusetts eDiscovery and Evidence, Author: Jonathan Sablone
eBook $207.49 $237.00 Current price is $207.49, Original price is $237.00.
Title: Indiana Evidence Courtroom Manual, Author: Glen Weissenberger
Title: Indiana Trial Evidence Manual, Author: J. Alexander Tanford
Title: Colorado Evidence Courtroom Manual, Author: Arthur Best
eBook $221.49 $253.00 Current price is $221.49, Original price is $253.00.

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