Title: The history of conspiracy and abuse of legal procedure, Author: Percy Henry Winfield
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Essay on the Trial by Jury
Title: New England Law Review: Volume 48, Number 1 - Fall 2013, Author: New England Law Review
Title: University of Chicago Law Review: Volume 78, Number 4 - Fall 2011, Author: University of Chicago Law Review
Title: The Unconstitutionality of Slavery, Author: LYSANDER SPOONER
Title: An Essay on the Trial By Jury, Author: LYSANDER SPOONER
Title: Concerning Justice, Author: LUCILIUS A. EMERY
Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 122, Number 3 - December 2012, Author: Yale Law Journal
Title: University of Chicago Law Review: Volume 79, Number 3 - Summer 2012, Author: University of Chicago Law Review
Title: Yale Law Journal: Symposium - The Gideon Effect (Volume 122, Number 8 - June 2013), Author: Yale Law Journal
Title: Jingle Jangle: The Perfect Crime Truned Inside Out, Author: Jim Rix
Title: The Spooner Collection: An Essay on the Trial by Jury, Vices are not Crimes, The Unconstitutionality of Slavery, Author: LYSANDER SPOONER
Title: Theft Of A Nation, Author: Ralph Boryszewski
Title: Moral Uncertainty: Inside the Rodney King Juries, Author: Bob Almond
Title: The Texas Jury Rules, Author: James M. Stanton
Title: DADDY'S GIRL: The Campbell Murder Case - A Saga of Texas Justice, Author: Clifford Irving
Title: The Psychology of Jury Selection, Author: Fred Crouter
Title: In the Hands of the People: The Trial Jury's Origins, Triumphs, Troubles, and Future in American Democracy, Author: William L. Dwyer
Title: Victim Of Honor Digital, Author: James Duffey
Title: Discretion to Disobey: A Study of Lawful Departures from Legal Rules, Author: Mortimer R. Kadish

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