Title: The Legion of Super-Heroes: The Great Darkness Saga (New Edition) (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Supergirl and the Legion Super-Heroes: Strange Visitor from Another Century (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Mark Waid
Title: Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Dominator War (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Mark Waid
Title: Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes: Adult Education (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Mark Waid
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes: The Teenage Revolution (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Mark Waid
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2: Consequences (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes (1984-) #42, Author: Paul Levitz