Title: My Gun is Quick (Mike Hammer Series #2), Author: Mickey Spillane
Title: The Body Lovers (Mike Hammer Series #10), Author: Mickey Spillane
Title: Vengeance is Mine (Mike Hammer Series #3), Author: Mickey Spillane
Title: The Big Kill (Mike Hammer Series #5), Author: Mickey Spillane
Title: Kiss Me, Deadly (Mike Hammer Series #6), Author: Mickey Spillane
Title: Survival...Zero (Mike Hammer Series #11), Author: Mickey Spillane
Title: One Lonely Night (Mike Hammer Series #4), Author: Mickey Spillane
Title: I, the Jury (Mike Hammer Series #1), Author: Mickey Spillane
Title: Bitter Gold Hearts (Garrett, P. I. Series #2), Author: Glen Cook
Title: Cold Copper Tears (Garrett, P. I. Series #3), Author: Glen Cook
Title: Old Tin Sorrows (Garrett, P. I. Series #4), Author: Glen Cook
Title: Playmates (Spenser Series #16), Author: Robert B. Parker
Title: Dread Brass Shadows (Garrett, P. I. Series #5), Author: Glen Cook
#5 in Series
Title: Sweet Silver Blues (Garrett, P. I. Series #1), Author: Glen Cook
Vengeance is Mine (Abridged)
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Kiss Me Deadly (Abridged)
by Mickey Spillane
Narrated by  Stacy Keach
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Title: The Killing Man (Mike Hammer Series #12), Author: Mickey Spillane
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I, The Jury (Abridged)
by Mickey Spillane
Narrated by  Stacy Keach
Audiobook (Abridged) $9.95
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One Lonely Night (Abridged)
by Mickey Spillane
Narrated by  Stacy Keach
Audiobook (Abridged) $9.95
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Title: Red Iron Nights (Garrett, P. I. Series #6), Author: Glen Cook

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