Title: Adult Children of Divorce: Confused Love Seekers: Confused Love Seekers, Author: Geraldine K. Piorkowski
Title: Chained No More: Breaking the Chains One Link at a Time...A Journey of Healing for the Adult Children of Divorce/Childhood Brokenness : INDIVIDUAL STUDY, Author: Robyn Besemann
Title: Children of Divorce: Helping Kids When Their Parents Are Apart, Author: Debbie Barr
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Title: Divorcing Children: Children's Experience of their Parents' Divorce, Author: Gillian Douglas
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Title: Gringa: A Contradictory Girlhood, Author: Melissa Hart
Title: Growing Up with Divorce: Help Yr Child Avoid Immed, Author: Neil Kalter
Title: Helping Your Child Through Divorce, Author: Florence Bienenfeld
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Title: In The Best Interest of the Child: A Manual for the Divorcing Parents, Author: Nadir Baksh
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Title: Making Your Way After Your Parents' Divorce, Author: Lynn Cassella
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