Title: The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water, Author: Charles Fishman
Title: Water: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource, Author: Marq de Villiers
Title: Water in the Hispanic Southwest: A Social and Legal History, 1550-1850, Author: Michael C. Meyer
Title: Divided Waters: Bridging the U.S.-Mexico Border, Author: Helen Ingram
Title: Water in the Middle East: A Geography of Peace, Author: Hussein A. Amery
Title: Tribal Water Rights: Essays in Contemporary Law, Policy, and Economics, Author: John E. Thorson
Title: Colorado Water Law for Non-Lawyers, Author: P. Andrew Jones
Title: Dividing Western Waters: Mark Wilmer and Arizona v. California, Author: Jack L. August Jr.
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Title: Rivers of Fire: The Conflict over Water in the Middle East, Author: Arnon Soffer
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Title: Sustainable Solutions for Water Resources: Policies, Planning, Design, and Implementation, Author: James L. Sipes
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Title: Inter-State River Water Disputes in India, Author: M V V Ramana
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Title: Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit, Author: Vandana Shiva