Title: The Blue Beetle, Issue No. 15, Author: Statue Books
Title: Strange Worlds, No. 1, Author: Statue Books
Title: The Phantom Detective in The Video Victims, Author: Robert Wallace
Title: Dirge for a Nude, Author: Jonathan Craig
Title: The Guilty Ones, Author: Ross Macdonald
Title: Too Many Crooks, Author: Richard S. Prather
Title: Comic: Sherlock Holmes, Issue No. 1, Author: Charlton Publications
Title: Have Gat--Will Travel, Author: Richard S. Prather
Title: The Scrambled Yeggs, Author: Richard Prather
Title: Take a Murder, Darling, Author: Richard S. Prather
Title: Strip For Murder, Author: Dolores Hitchens
Title: Alibi and Dr. Morelle, Author: Ernest Dudley
Title: Secret of the Second Door, Author: Robert Colby
Title: The Shrunken Head, Author: Robert Fish
Title: The Trojan Hearse, Author: Richard S. Prather
Title: The Cockeyed Corpse, Author: Richard S. Prather
Title: Kill Him Twice, Author: Richard S. Prather
Title: The Body Lovers (Mike Hammer Series #10), Author: Mickey Spillane
Title: The Murder League, Author: Robert Fish
Title: The Legend of Baverstock Manor, Author: Nancy Buckingham

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