Den lille havfrue
Title: De blodrøde julemænd, Author: Dennis Jürgensen
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Hendes nye dag: Tre noveller
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Varm Luft
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Narrated by  Torsten Adler
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Title: Flyskræk, Author: Dennis Jürgensen
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Kvinden nedenunder, hér, ovenover
by Walden Waltz
Narrated by  Peter Jorde
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Det er hårdt at være birkedommer når man har sin kone til amtmand
by Walden Waltz
Narrated by  Peter Jorde
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Finn Søeborgs bedste noveller
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Himmelsten: Erindringsskitser og billeder fra Skagen
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Title: Midnatstimen, Author: Dennis Jürgensen
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Hendes nye dag: Tre noveller
Audiobook (Unabridged) $16.80
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Finn Søeborgs bedste noveller
by Finn SÃeborg
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Audiobook (Unabridged) $16.80
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Title: Novelle - Sort forbandelse, Author: Louise Haiberg
Title: Grønne øjne, Author: Dennis Jürgensen
Title: Historier til drenge #1: Historier til drenge, Author: Lene Dybdahl

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