Title: The Struggle For Law, Author: Rudolph von Jhering
Title: Ever After: A Father's True Story, Author: William Wharton
Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 124, Number 4 - January-February 2015, Author: Yale Law Journal
Title: Hawaii Rules of Evidence 2012 With Commentary - Chapter 626, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Author: Charles Izumoto
Title: Supreme Court Decision US v. Windsor - DOMA Case - Decided June 26, 2013, Author: United States Government US Supreme Court
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Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 121, Number 2 - November 2011, Author: Yale Law Journal
Title: Evidence (Speedy Study Guides), Author: Speedy Publishing
Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 121, Number 3 - December 2011, Author: Yale Law Journal
Title: Las Vegas Attorneys, Author: Thomas Chi
Title: University of Chicago Law Review: Volume 81, Number 2 - Spring 2014, Author: University of Chicago Law Review

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