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Title: Mind in evolution, Author: L. T. Hobhouse
Title: Studies in history and jurisprudence, Author: James Bryce Bryce
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On Liberty
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#1 in Series
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Title: Studies in history and jurisprudence, Author: Viscount James Bryce Bryce
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Title: A manual of medical jurisprudence for the use of students at law and of medicine, Author: Marshall Davis Ewell
Title: The spirit of the common law, Author: Roscoe Pound
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The Theory of Social Revolutions
by Brooks Adams
Narrated by  LibriVox Community
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Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 125, Number 1 - October 2015, Author: Yale Law Journal
Title: University of Chicago Law Review: Volume 80, Number 4 - Fall 2013, Author: University of Chicago Law Review
Title: Harvard Law Review: Volume 129, Number 6 - April 2016, Author: Harvard Law Review
Title: New England Law Review: Volume 48, Number 4 - Summer 2014, Author: New England Law Review

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