Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 4: The Bell Warden, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 5: Black Wind, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 6: Lanterns for the Dead, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Blade of the Immortal Volume 1: Blood of a Thousand, Author: Hiroaki Samura
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 7: Cloud Dragon, Wind Tiger, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 8: Chains of Death, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 9: Echo of the Assassin, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 10: Hostage Child, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Usagi Yojimbo Volume 9: Daisho, Author: Stan Sakai
Title: Blade of the Immortal Volume 2: Cry of the Worm, Author: Hiroaki Samura
Title: Blade of the Immortal Volume 3: Dreamsong, Author: Hiroaki Samura
Title: Usagi Yojimbo Volume 11: Seasons, Author: Stan Sakai
Title: Usagi Yojimbo Volume 12: Grasscutter, Author: Stan Sakai
Title: Usagi Yojimbo Volume 13: Grey Shadows, Author: Stan Sakai
Title: Samurai Executioner, Volume 1: When the Demon Knife Weeps, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 1: The Assassin's Road, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Samurai Executioner, Volume 2: Two Bodies, Two Minds, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 11: Talisman of Hades, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 12: Shattered Stones, Author: Kazuo Koike
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 13: The Moon in the East, the Sun in the West, Author: Kazuo Koike

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